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Chan POV

I had decided to ask everyone to continue with practices. We only had two weeks of school left before we had our winter break, we could wait till then to rest. Though the competition was on pause because of Christmas season, we could not slack off. Of course, we could rest more but we had to make sure we still trained.

We were just running through our routines when Areum and Haneul finally showed up. When they walked in, it felt like there was something bad in the air. Woojin and I exchanged a glance before welcoming them.

"Haneul-ah~" I said as I made my way over to her. She smiled and said hi, but did not react otherwise. Her arm was behind her and Areum. Were they hiding something?

I let them walk ahead of me and to the mirror so that they could sit down and watch us perform, which had been our plan earlier. As they walked ahead of me, I realized they were not hiding anything. Haneul was holding Areum's hand. I was not sure why, but she was. I could question her later.

"Alright, so what are we watching today?" Haneul said, looking from Areum to me.

"How does Hellevator, Young Wings and Growl sound?" I looked at the others who were agreeing, but then to Haneul and Areum.

"How's that sound Areum?" Haneul nudged her a little and she simply looked to her friend and nodded. "Sounds good for both of us." Haneul gave me a weak smile before crossing her legs and getting comfortable.


3rd Person POV

They had finished practicing and were hanging out in the practice room. Haneul was sticking by Areum's side. More than usual. Chan found this odd, but brushed it off as he had a conversation with the others. As time went by, everyone got a chance to speak with everyone. They would split off into their own groups to talk though. Just as an hour had passed, an argument erupted.

"Areum." Haneul whispered in her ear. "Let's get out of this and talk with those guys over there, yeah?"

Areum hummed in response as they silently parted from Minho and Hyunjin. As they headed towards the September babies, they lit up. Jisung skipped over to Haneul and dragged her over to group, causing Areum and Haneul to let go of each other. Haneul looked back to Areum and ushered her over. Felix asked Areum to watch him do a bit of choreo and asked what he could work on. She gladly gave him tips. Soon after, Seungmin started to make some fun of Felix, Jisung joining in. It started to get loud and chaotic, causing Haneul to take Areum by the arm and drag her away to Woojin, Jeongin, Chan and Changbin.

"Ah, finally came to join us, yeah?" Chan smiled as he watched the two walk over to them.

"Yeah, yeah." Haneul swatted Chan's arm away as it tried to find its way around her shoulders.

They were having a peaceful conversation. For the most part. It did not last very long. Areum stopped participating in the conversation when she overheard parts of conversations from the other two groups.

"Give me a chance." Hyunjin was speaking to Minho. "Just because you're older, doesn't mean she belongs to you."

"Well I'm still your hyung." Minho rolled his eyes.

"So?" Hyunjin challenged him.

Areum averted her attention to the other boys.

"I want to show her!" Felix said.

"No, I will!" Seungmin replied.

"Nuh uh, I'm the oldest, I am!" Jisung crossed his arms.

"But she likes me more!" Felix poked Jisung.

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