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Woojin POV

"Whoa, Areum-" I was cut short as she stormed past me, clutching her side as she exited the practice room.

Chan and I shared a glance as we walked into the practice room to find Hyunjin and Minho facing away from each other while some of the guys tended to their... wounds and bruises? In unison, Chan and I let out a sigh.

"What did you two do this time?" He said aloud, getting their attention.

Both Minho and Hyunjin were startled at his voice and turned away once they realized it was us. Ears turning red, they refused to answer us. I looked at Seungmin and Jisung, raising a brow I asked them the same question Chan had asked.

Jisung looked to Seungmin before looking at me. "They fought again." He said slowly. "But it got physical..."

"What were you two even fighting about?" Chan asked as he shook his head.

"I don't even know anymore." Hyunjin sighed.

"Neither do I." Minho admitted.

"Okay now explain why Areum walked out clutching her side." I demanded from them.

"Oh, that... well..." Hyunjin looked away.

"She was trying to break up the fight." Seungmin answered. "She got pushed around and got elbowed in the side then pushed to the ground."

I mentally facepalmed. "Chan, we can't leave these two alone anymore." I quietly said.

"Yeah." Chan agreed as he walked over to the two to give them a talk, maybe a scolding for all I know.


Jeongin POV

"Unnie, are you okay?" I heard Eunji say as she walked past me.

Areum hummed in response and nodded. "Don't worry about me."

"But I am worrying." Eunji crossed her arms.

"Hey, I'm alright." Areum smiled. "You're here to watch their dance practice, yeah?"

"Yep!" Eunji broke out a smile. "Jeongin invited me to watch... are you not watching?"

"Um, no." Areum put one of her hands up to the nape of her neck while the other held onto her side. "I... came to check up on them but I have things to do."

"Oh..." Eunji frowned. "You should stay to watch."

"I would, but I can't right now." Areum shrugged. "Next time, okay?"

"Fine." Eunji agreed. "See you then!" We both turned away and Areum went on her way.

The two of us reached the practice room to find the guys separated. They were waiting for me and for some other people who had not shown up yet, but had not started practicing like they normally would. Once we came in, they looked up and stopped acting so strangely, but it felt like something was up.

"Hey, Eunji!" Jisung broke the silence and went to talking with her while I went off to ask Chan what happened. He explained and I listened. Of course this happened. No wonder it felt like there was rivalry in the air.

Eventually, everyone showed up and we started practice. Eunji sat watching happily, applauding us and telling us how well we were doing. The guys got to know her and she was super open about it. In the end, I took her to the cafe where her parents would pick her up. We got some drinks and chatted until she had to leave. Once she left, I left as well. As I left, I noticed Moonbin coming by with some of his friends. He seemed really unhappy. As I silently walked past, I overheard his conversation with his friends.

"She's a real bad person." He said to them. "I can't believe she forced me into a relationship. How will the public react?"


Minho POV

It was the last few days of school. Normally around this time, people would be exchanging gifts. In my class, most people would be doing gift countdowns. As in, they would give everyone or certain people gifts as a countdown to the break. I got my share of gifts, just people giving me gifts out of respect. None of them really gave me any because they were friends. Other than from Haneul and Areum who gave a shared gift to the guys and I for the countdown.

"Thanks." I said, receiving yet another gift from the two. "What have you guys gotten?" I asked out of curiosity.

Areum looked to Haneul before looking back up at me but still averting her gaze. "I haven't really got much." Areum nudged Haneul. "Why don't you tell him what you got, yeah? I'll be at my desk."

I watched as she walked away to sit at her desk while I looked at Haneul. She awkwardly stood there, scratching the back of her head slightly as she looked up at me. "Um, you know, just some random things... uh... yeah..."

"Did she not get anything?" I asked, interrupting her ramble.

She shook her head. "She's only been getting things from me and you guys. And you already know what she's gotten since you give it to her on behalf of the others."

"Oh." I nodded as I looked at the clock. "Let's go sit down, the bell's gonna ring." She nodded, agreeing as we headed to our seats. Haneul sat behind me while I sat beside Areum.

She watched as I sat down but looked away as I turned to her. Just as I thought today would be a regular day, where she and I just sat side by side in silence, two girls came to our tables. Areum sighed and turned her head slightly in my direction upon seeing them.

Kyunghee grabbed Areum by the chin and turned her head so they were looking at each other. "You're not escaping me this time." She harshly turned Areum's head to the side, then brought her hand up to her head and pushed her back. Just as Areum was pushed back, I put my arm out to support her back and keep her from falling. Kyunghee was bringing her hand up to do something more to her but before she could, I stopped her.

"Exactly what do you think you're doing?"


Here's another one! Please comment and tell me if you're still interested because if no one is... I may just stop writing? But I would just like to know if there are people who still read on or if everyone just gives up on this book halfway through.

Thanks to Eonaforever for voting (and so much!) I really appreciate it!

Y'all SKZ's Vlive performance.... :O

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