We Made It

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Bonus Chapter 1

Changbin POV

"WE DID IT!" Felix yelled as he jumped around the dorm. "WE DID ITTTT!!!!!"

"Jeez, calm down." Seungmin said as he grabbed the phone out of his hands. "Sorry about that Areum."

Her voice was calm. "Don't worry about it. I understand the excitement." There was a pause. "Where's Minho?"

"He's on his bed." I said as I looked in through the door. "Still crying."

"Can you give the phone to him?" She smiled. "I wanna talk to him."

"Sure thing lovey dovey Areum." I teased while walking in and passing the phone to Minho. "Areum wants to talk with you."

"Wh- Oh hi Areum." He gave me a death stare as I went to my bed and put my headphones on.


Areum POV

What a big baby. I thought as I stared at the screen. Minho's eyes were puffy and he had a beaming smile on his face. Wiping away his streaming tears, he tried to hide his face. At that point, he had already yelled for all the boys to leave him to talk with me and had propped up the phone and connected it to a charger as well.

"Minho... come on, stop crying. You're going to make me cry." I said as I felt warm tears threatening to spill.

"S-sorry." He wiped again, but as he did, his smile faltered. "Areum... I'm not sure if I'm meant for this."

"Why not?" I furrowed my brows while staring at him.

"I got cut, Areum. What if I'm not meant for this?" His gaze dropped from the phone.

"Shut up." I shook my head. "You know very well that you deserved the place you got. The only reason you got cut was from nervousness. You came back because you were able to get back on your feet. Let me ask you this: Do you think Lix deserves his place in the group?"


"Seriously, Minho."

"Fine, yes he did." He stared at me.

"Exactly. You both got cut, slightly different reasons but why are you both back? Because both of you got back up and did what you had to do to stay." I said confidently. "Now off of this topic... When will you guys debut?"

"We're planning for March." A twinkle appeared in his eyes.

"That's great!" I smiled. "Near Hyunjin's birthday, I'm assuming?"

He nodded. "After it probably."

"Good luck." A smile tugged at my lips. "You know you're such a baby, right?"

"What?" His brow raised, a hand to his chest as he was taken aback.

"You're a baby." I teased.

"Your baby." He smirked as he watched a blush creep onto my face.

"You're still the same flirt I met three years ago." I remarked. "Never changing."

"But I did change." His tone was serious for a moment, but soon the look on his face was wiped off and replaced with a smirk once again.

"How so, Lee Minho?" My eyes rolled as I stared at him.

"I realized what it really feels like to love someone forever." His smirk disappeared and he looked at the screen. "Areum. I still love you. You're so far and it's been such a long time but no matter what, I'm still waiting."


3rd Person POV

"When are you gonna come?" Haneul was typing away as she was on a phone call with Areum, who was doing the same.

"This year I hope." Her voice was hopeful.

"I want you to surprise the boys." Haneul spoke into the microphone. "Oh I have an idea! You should come by for their debut. Then after that you should leave after a week or something, saying it was for what was it?"

"Spring break?"

"Yes, that." Haneul continued. "Then you actually stay over at my place until October and surprise Minho on his birthday because we all know how much he wants to see you."

"Haneul, I couldn't actually stay at your place for seven months without being noticed." Areum chuckled.

"Fine. Come by and then go back to Canada and then come back again." Haneul said in a teasingly irritated voice.

They talked all night. Or at least. Night for Areum. It was only evening for Haneul. By the time they had ended their chat, Areum was off to school while Haneul was doing her homework. As she continued to work hard, as usual, a call came in.

"What do you want?" She said, her voice soft while she continued to type.

"To talk with you. Are you busy?" The familiar voice spoke.

"Just doing the usual homework." Haneul stopped typing for a moment to take a breather. "Talk to me, Chan."

"Did Areum say when she would come by at all?" His voice was not hushed, like it should have been.

"Chan, you have to keep-"

"I know, Haneul." He paused. "I'm at the company alone right now."

"Oh, I see." A smile tugged at her lips. "Well, I don't know. She might visit next year."

"Cool." He began typing, Haneul doing the same. "Come to the studio. I miss you."

"You clingy child." She rolled her eyes knowing that Chan could not see her.

"I know I am. And I also know you just rolled your eyes." He laughed.

Haneul closed her tabs and turned off her laptop. "I'll be there in fifteen, have food ready." She said as she ended the call.


Thank you for all the support! I have decided that every 1k would be good, apparently I get that many reads faster than I thought O.O

Update: I have changed this to 5k because I am getting busier and I don't have enough time to write all the bonus chapters and post them every few days. So please understand that I need to give myself some time. But please, do not stop reading or turn away from this either. Thanks!

Ps. Ik it hasn't been 1k reads quite yet, but I think by the time this story reaches 1k, I'll be too busy to post.

Thank you to: Squirrel_Han19 for supporting this book! I really appreciate it!

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