Early Mornings

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Areum POV

My eyes opened slowly. It was so bright where I was. My eyes wandered the room, wondering what had happened last night. All I could remember was telling the boys about my brothers and father, then being comforted, then soon after, falling asleep in someone's embrace. That's when I realized, I was still in someone's arms. I scanned the room to see that all the boys were lying on the floor except for three of them. The oldest and youngest were not in the room, maybe they woke up and were making breakfast or something. The third person was with me on the couch. Still asleep. I removed myself from his arms and smiled. Cute, Minho.

My feet dragged across the floor as I made my way to the bathroom. Once I got in and locked the door, I went to the sink and splashed my face with water. After doing my business and washing my hands, I headed out to the kitchen to get a glass of water. That is where I found the two oldest chatting while drinking coffee. They smiled as they saw me come in; weakly, I smiled back. They seemed to notice but did not say anything. I got my glass of water and let the two be. I was surprised to see almost everyone was awake now. Minho and Hyunjin were the only ones still asleep.

"Morning, Noona," Seungmin said, rubbing his eyes as he woke up.

"Good morning," I replied as I watched Jeongin trying to wake Hyunjin up.

"Morning." Everyone else chorused after Seungmin. I smiled back in response.

I watched as Jeongin shook Hyunjin. Tickled him, ruffling his hair, everything. He still would not wake up. Deciding to try and help, I walked over to Jeongin and gently pushed him to the side to try and get Hyunjin up. First, I tried shaking him gently, then roughly. It still did not work. After a lot of trials and errors, I decided to do something that I used as a last resort. Telling the boys to cover their ears, I covered my mouth just so that it would not be too loud and so that the boys did not have to see my mouth or anything. When I looked to make sure that everyone's ears were plugged, I nodded and did what I had to do.

"HWANG HYUNJIN IREONA!" I yelled. Looking at the boys, I saw their shocked expressions. I guess they never thought I had it in me to yell. Boy were they wrong.

Looking back at the sleeping boys, I realized I had definitely woken one up. Laughing, I noticed that Minho had fallen off the couch at my morning call. He was rubbing his side and head and looked up at me. His expression read, What was that for? I smiled at him, trying to stop laughing, but I could not.

Then I looked at Hyunjin. He was awake, but he seemed to not want to be. He looked at me and the others unhappily but got himself off the floor. Groggily, he walked away, mumbling a somewhat sincere thank you for waking me up, to me when he walked past me.


Jeongin POV

Quietly, I sat on my own outside. While waiting for my hyung to take me home, I decided to take some time for myself outside. I ended up just sitting on my own right outside the school. The door beside me opened and for a moment, I thought it would be my hyung. I was wrong.

"Jeongin-ah?" A familiar voice rang out.

"Hi," I said quietly.

"What are you doing out here?" She asked, walking over to my other side and sinking to the ground to sit with me.

"Waiting for my friend," I replied while fiddling with my hands.

"Oh, the tall boy that looks like a bear?" She questioned, looking at me with bright eyes.

"I guess so." I chuckled.

She stood up and looked around. Telling me after that she saw no one around so she could wait until her parents picked her up. Suddenly, the door beside us opened and we both turned our heads to see who it was. It was a student from the older grades. She was carrying a few books and binders and seemed to be trying to balance it all. She managed.

"Oh?" She said when she looked at us. "You're still out here?"

We both nodded.

"School ended a while ago though!" She put her books on a nearby bench. "Do you need to call someone?" She asked my friend instead of me.

"No, it's okay. My parents are coming late because they had meetings to go to." She replied with a smile.

"Noona, it's okay," I said with a smile.

"Jeonginie, I can take you home if you want." She said, picking up her books again.

"No, thank you, Noona," I replied. "I'm waiting with Eunji until her parents come or until Woojin-hyung comes."

Her brow rose and she nodded with a chuckle. "I'll leave you to it then." She nodded and waved goodbye as she got her things and left.

"Did you know her?" Eunji asked as she watched her leave.

"Yeah," I said. "She's a new student in the older grades and is friends with some of my hyungs."

"Oh, I see." She gave me a faint smile. "Name?"

"Kang Areum." I fiddled with my hands. "Oh! Isn't that your car?" I pointed to a car coming by.

"It is," She nodded and grabbed her bag. "Nice talking with you Jeongin!" She ran off to the car and hopped in.

I stood up, watching her leave. Sighing, I grabbed my things and began to run in the direction my Noona had left. I saw her walking somewhere and yelled out to get her attention.

"Noona!!!!" I ran. "Wait for me!!!!"


Well, this was just a filler chapter I guess? It is kinda short. I hope you enjoyed it anyways!

See you in the next one! :)

Update 5/22/2020: Since I have so many people supporting my book (THANK YOU) I will be doing the shout outs in chapters that came before when the shout outs started. Thank you <3

Thanks to Victoriayongg for supporting my book!

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