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Areum POV

I walked into class where Miss Mun was waiting. For me. She asked me if she could talk to me about my grades. With a sigh, she told me that I was beginning to fail my classes. She told me that my homework was getting sloppier, though my tests were fine. She asked me why it was like this. I could not tell her. Instead, I told her that I was just busy and it was because I was sick. She asked me to try harder and not let it get worse. If I did not get things better, she said she would have to make me come in for a lot of tutoring. Which I did not want. She told me that she wanted to see my tests and homework at the same level too. Miss Mun dismissed me from the room and let me go home.

In all truthfulness, my homework would have been fine. If people did not bully me into doing their homework first. I always did my best to do all the homework I could, making the other's a priority. It had been happening for a while now. People took advantage of me and always threatened me too. They asked me if I would tell my parents, of course, I could not. They asked if I would tell a teacher, whenever I challenged them by saying yes, they ended up telling me that I would be in trouble.

As I headed out, I was stopped by one of the groups of kids who asked me to do their homework. Three of them put their binders in my hands and snickered, telling me to have their homework done by the end of the week. Sighing, I took the homework and walked away.

Once I got home, I started on the homework. Part way through, I decided to go out and do my homework on the balcony. It was already starting to get dark so I turned on the balcony lights and began to do their homework at the balcony table. I had not even started on mine yet, I was so dead tomorrow.

I had some music playing from my phone by a group that had debuted earlier this year. They were called Seventeen. I liked the group. So far, I have not found a group to really stan quite yet, but I have found tons that I like to listen to, like this group. The chorus of the song had come on and I was singing it, but a voice broke through, making me shut up and turn off my music.

"Areum?" I looked to my right to see Minho on his balcony.

"Oh, hey," I said, looking down at the homework then back up at him.

"You're still doing the homework?" He left the doorway and walked to the railing. "Wasn't it easy?"

"Um... yeah," I said looking away from him. "I just... started late." I replied.

"Last I remembered, we did not have that much homework either." He pointed at my three binders and the papers scattered around it.

"Um... catch up?" I tried to find ways around what he was pointing out.

"Sure." He rose his eyebrow. "You told me yesterday that you had already caught up on everything because you did not want me to help you out."

"Uh, I lied?" I said, improvising.

"Don't try me." He rolled his eyes a little. "Who's homework is that?"

"Some guys in our grade." I shrugged, turning away and playing my music while continuing to work on the homework.

"What's the code to your apartment?" He suddenly asked.

"50-" I stopped, realizing what I was doing. "Wait, why are you asking?'

"I wanna visit you again." He shrugged.

"You're talking to me right now." I rolled my eyes slightly as I went back to work.

He let a silence pass by and then he asked again. "What are the last two numbers of the code into your house?"

"23-" I rose my head quickly. "Oh shoot..." He walked inside and disappeared. Great. I was too distracted to think of what I was doing. I'm so dumb. Shrugging it off, I decided to keep working on the homework. Though, I stopped because I felt the presence of another person behind me.

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