Text Messages

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Areum POV

My feet took me out to the rooftop of my apartment. Alone, I sat in the darkness of the night. I knew what had happened. I knew I should have told Minho, but I could not. In all honesty, I thought I could do it on my own, and plus, I did not want a big fight to erupt because of me. Soon enough, a few notifications were on my phone. The boys had been spamming me with questions, my phone had been dead for quite some time now, and right now was my first time turning it on since I had charged it. I skimmed the notifications and went right to Haneul's text.

Kim Haneul
Are you okay?
Are you alive?
You good?
Omg did you die?
Okay, you're dead.
I will miss you! ;~;

I'm not dead.
Phone was though.

Kim Haneul
Oh thank goodness.
Seriously though, are you okay?
Did Minho take you home safely?!

You could say that.

Kim Haneul
Oh my, what did he do?
I'm going to kill that boy.

Calm down, he didn't do anything.
He just asked what happened.
I walked the rest of the way home.
You know why.

Kim Haneul
Oh, yeah...
Where are you?

Apartment rooftop. Why?

Kim Haneul
*tsk, tsk, tsk*
You should be in bed.
Did you get ointment and ice for your bruises yet?

Did you?
Oh, was Chan okay?

Kim Haneul
He's nice
I found out he's the guy across my street
I never bothered to meet him until now lol.

Should we go to bed now?

Kim Haneul
Yes, good night!


I kept going through my messages and looked into a few. There were a few long messages sent by some of them. Jeongin and Hyunjin sent me the longest ones. I decided to go through each of their texts, though, that does not mean I would reply to all of them.

Seo Changbin
Areum? Are you okay?
Was it them again?

Kim Woojin
Areum, are you safe?
Call me if you see this.

Lee Felix
Why didn't you tell me something was going on?!

Han Jisung
You good? We missed you.
Please come back safely!

Bang Chan
Hey, I got Haneul home safe.
She's alright, don't worry, I didn't do anything.
Please be okay.

Thanks for getting her home.

Bang Chan
Ah, you're awake!
No problem. :)

Kim Seungmin
Are you okay Noona?

Areum, are you okay?
I'm really worried.
Were they out to get you again?
If they were, you have to tell us. We care!
Don't lie to us okay?
Stay safe!

I miss you. Where are you?
Are you okay?
I'm worried.
Okay, well, I have to sleep now.
Love you Noona! ;)
Have a good sleep!

I'm okay Jeonginie.
Have a good sleep
Love ya too <3

Why'd you ignore me?
What did I say?
Who hurt you?

I turned off my phone and decided to head to my apartment. I had school tomorrow and I could not afford to lose much more sleep. As I got ready for bed, the events of the day replayed in my head.

I walked through the school, about to exit when someone tapped my shoulder. Turning around, I saw my new friend, Haneul. She was not happy. Clearly, something was up. I asked her what it was and she told me that people were going to follow me just so they could get to the guys. She told me not to go or else it would be chaos for the guys and for me. Nodding, we ended up going to the school's rooftop. Suddenly, the door slammed open and two girls and two boys came in. They told me about how I had no right to be with the guys. That I was not as popular, that I was new, and that I was a scrawny brat. Haneul ended up defending me but instead got beat up by one of the girls and her "minions" which were the two boys with her. I did my best to defend Haneul. I could not let them hurt her because of me. Instead, I got dragged away to the back of the school where I too, was beat up. Left unconscious on the ground.


Mkay, I know I said that I would post only once or twice a week, and not right after those spam of chapters, but I was planning to post on Tuesdays and Fridays, but I won't be around on Tuesday so.... I hope it's okay!

This is just a filler chapter though... oh well


Ok, but seriously, thanks. My reads have been going up and I am sooooooo thankful! Please keep showing your support so that I know to keep writing!

See you in the next one!

Update 5/22/2020: Since I have so many people supporting my book (THANK YOU) I will be doing the shout outs in chapters that came before when the shout outs started. Thank you <3

Thanks skzxtwicelover for supporting this book!

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