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Areum POV

I headed to my class and walked in. The moment I came in, everyone turned their heads to me, wondering who I was. They were all silent, and so was I. The silence was killing me. Finally, one girl decided to greet me.

"Hello!" She said cheerily. "My name is Choi Iseul!" She stuck her hand out for me to shake. "I'm the class rep!"

"Hi, I'm Kang Areum." I shook her hand and took a bow once I let go. "I'm new here and I hope to get along with all of you well."

"Well hello," A boy stepped up and smiled. "My name is Soojin!"

"Ah, hello Soojin." I smiled.

"We better get seated, class is about to start," Iseul said to the others. "You can wait here for the teacher to tell you where to sit. I'll wait with you."

"Thanks," I said as we stood and waited for our homeroom teacher.

In a matter of minutes, our teacher walked in, everyone got up and bowed. "Good morning Miss. Mun!" They all said in unison.

"Good morning class." She replied as she went to the front and placed her binder down. She looked at me and smiled. "Kang Areum, yes?"

"Yes, Miss Mun," I replied as I bowed. "Nice to meet you."

"Good to meet you too." She pointed at a seat in the front by the windows. "Take the aisle seat there Areum, and welcome to the school."

I smiled and went to where I was to be seated.


We were halfway through the first period when my seatmate finally showed up. He came in, casually, dropping a slip of paper on the teacher's stand and sat beside me. The teacher looked at the paper and nodded to my seatmate, giving him his notes and homework.

I watched as he pulled out a pencil case and took a mechanical pencil and started to do his homework without looking at the notes. I was amazed, how was he able to do all that math without learning the lesson first? He slowly turned his head to me and rose a brow.

"Why are you watching me?" He asked. "Shouldn't you be doing your own work?"

"O-oh, yes." I turned away. "Sorry."

"Did you need my help?" He put his pencil down and turned to me, his face still looked cold and he did not seem to be inclined to help me.

"Um..." I stared at my page. "No...."

"If you say so." He shrugged and got back to work.


It was the lunch hour. I put away my things, leaving my bag by my desk since I was in the same class for the period after lunch. Heading to the cafeteria, I watched as everyone rushed to be first in line. Sighing, I looked around instead of getting in line. My eyes wandered the place so that I would get to know where I was. Instead of finding a place to sit and having food in front of me, I headed out of the cafeteria and found an empty set of steps to sit on.

"What do you think you're doing here?" A voice said behind me. I turned to face them and stood up.

"Sorry, I didn't know I wasn't allowed here." I bowed and headed down the steps.

"No, don't walk away." The older kids said as they got me to come closer.

"Don't get in our way okay?" They looked me up and down.

"Y-yes." I nodded.

"Ugh, look at her." One girl whispered, not so quietly, to another. "She looks so ugly."

"No need to whisper Sunnie." Another said. "She can hear it."

They had smug looks on their faces, and before I knew it, I was drenched with water. They had splashed me with the water in their water bottles. I looked down at my uniform. It was wet on the first day! The first day and I've already ruined myself. Great.

It took a moment for me to register the fact that I was drenched and needed to get away from these people. I ran past them and into my class. I did not have a change of clothes, but at least I could get away from everyone. Entering the room, I noticed someone else was here.

"O-oh, sorry." I walked to my desk and rummaged through my bag to see if I had packed a sweater.

"What happened to you?" His voice was disinterested but he still asked anyway.

"The older ones sprayed water at me," I said, straightening my back as I stood upright.

Instead of replying, he got up and went to the back of the room where some lockers were. He opened his and brought out a sweater. Walking back, he tossed it to me and sat back down in his seat.

"Wear it, it'll cover up the stain." He said, not minding that I had dropped the sweater while trying to catch it.

"T-Thank you...." I paused; I had never caught his name.

"Minho." He said, his head turning ever so slightly. Just enough so I could see his face, but so that he was able to keep his eye on his homework. "Lee Minho."

"Oh, yes, thank you Lee Minho." I put on the jacket.

It was a bit too big for me, but nonetheless, I was thankful that he had given it to me. I bent down to zip up my backpack. Upon getting back up to walk away, his voice rang out.

"You might as well stay." He said without looking at me. "The lunch hour is almost over."

"R-right." I nodded and went to sit at my desk.

"By the way, you are Areum, yeah?"

"Yeah, right" I replied.

"I recognize you." He put down his pen and looked at me. "Cover your face with your hands for a moment."

I did as told and when I did, I heard him sigh. Putting my hands down, I looked at him confused.

"We saw each other last night."


Is this okay? I hope that it isn't too boring for you guys! The first member from SKZ has been introduced though!

Is there anything you would like to see in this story? I have already written quite a bit which I have not posted, but if there is something you'd like to see, I'm totally willing to try and incorporate it!

I also just saw Stray Kids doing Fancy on Music Bank... first of all, it was amazing; second, I loved Woojin's adlibs; third, poor Changbin, he didn't really get any lines... unless I didn't pick up on them; and fourth, I loved Chan's little mishap, it was kinda cute.

Okay, see you in the next chapter!

Update 5/22/2020: Since I have so many people supporting my book (THANK YOU) I will be doing the shout outs in chapters that came before when the shout outs started. Thank you <3

Thank you to SeuBangHan for supporting my book!

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