What's Up With Her?

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Felix POV

Haneul's arms were around Jisung and Chan. We were headed towards the bus stop with her between us. Areum was between Changbin and me. Woojin was carrying Areum's bag and Seungmin was carrying Haneul's. Minho and Hyunjin were silent at the front of the group while Jeongin was trailing behind them. Areum was starting to shift and was seemingly trying to make us let go. I looked over to Changbin who gave me a small nod, signalling to let her go. Gently, I let my arm fall from hers and she moved away from us. She started to walk on her own, I noticed her wincing at every step she took, but she seemed to refuse to admit she was in pain. I was about to go up to her and help her but Changbin held me back.

"Let her be." He told me. "She asked us not to interfere and we did, the least we could do is leave her be."

"Hyung." I looked at him. "Why is she like this?"

"I don't know." He shrugged, looking forward. "She just doesn't want to get in our way."

"But she isn't." I furrowed my brows, trying to understand.

"You're right." He nodded. "But she believes she will be getting in our way. At least, that's what I think that's she thinks."

"I can hear you." Areum spoke up as she continued to walk ahead of us.

Changbin and I gave each other a look before shutting up and continuing to walk. We made our way to the bus and were finally getting onto it. I watched as Areum took Haneul aside and went to sit by the windows, apart from us. The rest of us found seats nearby, but still distant from them. Changbin sat beside me and was watching Areum carefully. My eyes followed his gaze before going back to looking at him.

"Hyung?" I broke through his thoughts.

He hummed in response.

"What's bothering you?" I turned more towards him.

"Nothing." He mumbled.

"Something is." I put a hand on his shoulder. "I've known you for a long time, I know something's up."

"Look, I just feel like something's going on and I don't know what is." Changbin looked to me. "Something is up with Areum and I don't know what is."

"Don't worry too much about it." I sat back in my seat. "She'll come to us when she's ready." I tried to reassure him. Thing was, I was not so sure myself. I had the same feeling.


Areum POV

"Haneul." I ran my hands through my hair. "I can't."

"Areum~" She took my hands and looked me dead in the eye. "Please just hold out a little longer."

"You know it's hard for me." I looked up at her.

"I know..." She sighed. "I won't be pushy and I won't force you to do anything, but please, don't be too hard on yourself."

"I'll try." A smile tugged at my lips as I leaned back on the couch. "How's Chan?"

A blush crept up on her cheeks. "Good." She looked at the ground. "He's really nice."

I let out a chuckle. "He hasn't done anything bad to you has he?"

"Does stealing my heart count?" She smiled.

"Yes." I laughed. "I'll be out for him." We continued with our jokes back and forth. Just as she was in the middle of telling me about a sweet thing Chan did, he walked through the door.

"I thought we told you guys to come out in the next few minutes." He crossed his arms as he leaned on the wall. "It's been twenty minutes."

"Sorry Chan." I stood up, gesturing for Haneul to come with me. "Couldn't wait for your girlfriend huh?" I said with a smirk as I walked out.

"Yah!" He shouted as I walked down the hall to the living room.

"What was that about?" Seungmin asked as I walked towards them.

"I was teasing him about Haneul." I sat on the ground beside Jeongin and Changbin. Chan came in with Haneul, arm around her waist. They found a spot on the couch and we began the movie that we had planned on watching. As the movie went on, I began to feel drowsy. For a moment, I checked my phone just to see the time. Instead of putting it down right after, like I had planned, I noticed the spam of texts and calls from my notifications. I had silenced my phone and had not realized that. Excusing myself from the movie, I walked towards the kitchen, far away from the living room. I called the person who had been trying to reach me.

"Areum." The voice on the other line said.

"Yes?" I took a sharp breath. "I'm sorry I didn't respond. My phone was turned off."

"That doesn't matter." The voice seemed quite annoyed. "Are you with them right now?"

Sighing, I put a hand to my non-existent nose bridge. "Yes..."

"Get out now then." I heard the impatience in their voice. "Now. Bring Haneul with you."

"But we're-" The person cut me off.

"Now!" I had to pull the phone away from my ear as they yelled.

"Okay, fine." I sighed. "Hanging up." I said as I tapped on the red button. I walked out to the living room, a few heads turned towards me but I did not look to them. I went over to Haneul and whispered in her ear that we had to leave. She got up and we both headed the door.

Minho paused the movie and turned to us. "Where are you guys going?"

"I'm not feeling well." I lied as I put on my shoes. "I need to go home." Haneul put her arm around me to keep up the act, as if trying to make sure that I was okay.

"I can take you home." Minho raised his brow. "It'll be more convenient."

"Not thanks, Minho." I shook my head gently. "I just need Haneul right now."

"Why?" He persisted.

"Not your problem." I retorted, getting tired of this. "We'll see you guys later." Haneul opened the door and we walked out together. She dropped her hand as we dropped the act.

"What was it this time?" She and I walked in the cold night.

"She told me to get away from them, and to bring you with me." My hand ran through my hair. "This is getting annoying."

"We can't do anything." She stated. "I get where you're coming from now." She said, referring to when I would tell her that I was scared to get in their way. "They're on the road to success and I don't want to stop them either."

"Let's just go to my house and-" I stopped in my tracks as I saw my caller headed down the same street as us, towards us. "Haneul..."

She gripped my arm, signalling that she saw the person too. We stopped and they did too. This person gave us a bag and walked away, telling us that they knew we were here and wanted to give us something for respectfully listening to their requests. Haneul and I gave each other strange glances before walking away, not knowing what was to come.


So I'm posting a day early because I'm going on a grade retreat from Wednesday-Friday so I won't have time to post tomorrow.

I hope you're enjoying this so far! I know it's a really bad book but I have chapters stocked up so I keep posting anyways.

Thank you to those who support this book! <3

Edit: 2/14/2020

So like I said in the Chapter "Kisses" I will be adding some shout outs because I can't seem to catch up on them.

The shout out goes to Glutenfreemilk! Thanks for the support <3!

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