Give Us A Chance

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Areum POV

I stared at them before turning to the city. Taking a few steps forward, I got to the ledge. Instead of climbing onto it, I stood there, staring. Was it worth it? I felt my tears continue to trickle down my cheeks slowly. Was it really?

The voices in my head continued to fight with me. Some reasoning with me from what Minho and Hyunjin had just said. Others telling me to not listen and just go for it. There were the ones reminding me of people like Duri and Kyunghee. Some reminded me about the comments I had seen earlier that day. Others would tell me that I was just not good enough. But in the end, Minho and Hyunjin's voices were the loudest.

Sighing, I stepped back. I guess not today. I turned slowly to the two guys were standing and watching me. A look of relief washed over both of their faces. I turned back to look at the city once more before heading back to the two guys. Minho put his hand out for me to take and I did so as he ended up completely lifting me off of the platform.

"Don't you scare me like that ever again." He whispered as he embraced me.

I chuckled as I pulled away. "I'm sorry."

He gave me a tired smile. "Don't worry about it." He brought his hand up to wipe my face. He let go of me and I went over to Hyunjin.

"I'm sorry." I said as he pulled me towards him.

"Don't be." He held me tight. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize-"

"Shush, you shouldn't be sorry either." I pulled away.

We let go and I stared at them both. A wave of guilt and sadness took over me. They seemed to notice. I turned away from them and looked over the ledge to see the drop. I was going to do that? I began to question myself. Suddenly, a hand grabbed my shoulders.

"Don't even think about it." Minho let out a breath. "I'm not losing you."

Sighing, I paid no attention to his comment and continued to watch the city. Again, the voices started to fight in my head. I did my best to suppress them as I watched. Would it be better to just jump? I asked myself. You heard them, they don't want you to jump. Another sigh escaped my lips. But the future...

"Areum," Hyunjin stepped up and stood beside me. "Give us a chance. Let us fix this." He looked fondly at me. "Please?"

"Alright." I nodded. "I'll give it a chance..." I gave them a weak smile. Suddenly, loud sounds filled the silence, causing me to flinch.

"Would you look at that." Minho looked at the sky. "Perfect timing." He looked at me. "It scared you, didn't it?"

"Hm?" I stared at him. "Oh, uh..."

"Don't worry. Let's go downstairs now." Hyunjin said as he grabbed my things. "The others will be worried."

Minho took my hand and led me to the door while Hyunjin was getting my stuff, leaving the fireworks behind us. "You wore it." He said, fingering the bracelet on my wrist.

I nodded as we silently went down the steps. "You like me, don't you?" I suddenly said.

"What?" He stopped me in my tracks. "Who said that."

"No one. But I mean, you and Hyunjin were always fighting."

"I-" He paused. "I think fondly of you. That's all." He kept walking ahead of me, letting go of my hand.

Standing still, I let him keep going while I waited for Hyunjin. He came with my bag, phone and shoes. I put my shoes on while telling him to put the phone in the bag. I took the bag, slinging it over my shoulder as we walked down the stairs.

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