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3rd Person POV

The boys listened to Areum's story. She spoke slowly and with details. The boys were there to support her. Silently, they showed that they were there to listen and to help her through everything. As Areum explained everything, she fought back her tears. The memories came back to her. The memories of Jeonghui and Yeongsoo. Her pain was shown as she told the boys everything. Her new friends saw her suffering, they watched her tell her story, not able to move and help her as they stared at her with so many emotions accumulating in them. Attentively, they sat watching her, not able to fathom the hurt she felt.

Seungmin, Felix and Jisung sat in a cluster by the couch. They gave each other glances with saddened eyes. Jisung was starting to tear up just hearing the story. Seungmin put his arm around Jisung while Felix caressed his hand.

Chan and Changbin sat on the couch. Changbin was now sitting upright and respectfully as he listened to Areum's story; he was slightly leaning back in his seat, watching Chan. Chan, on the other hand, was leaning forward, listening to Areum intently. He had tears in his eyes, they were running down his cheeks as the story touched him. Changbin eventually scooted over to Chan, doing what he could to try and comfort his hyung.

Hyunjin and Minho sat silently on the side. Listening together, not moving. They were clearly intrigued, trying to figure out how they felt about the story. Neither interacted with the other for quite some time. Eventually, sniffles were heard from both and they gave each other a look. Shrugging, they went back to listening to Areum.

Jeongin sat beside Areum, he was in such silence that it concerned Woojin on Areum's other side. He seemed to be so struck by the story, he could not believe what Areum had experienced. Woojin, on the other hand, found it such a sad story, but he did not let it show. Unlike Jeongin, his mouth was closed and not agape. He put his hand on Areum's back to try and show his support.

Areum was doing her best to tell the story and stay strong. However, her voice began to crack at the end. It broke the boys to see their new friend like this. It hurt more for her to see how she seemed to be burdening them.


"Appa!" She yelled, holding onto his arm. "Please, don't go!"

"Sorry, sweetie." He took her hands and placed them gently in his own. "I have to."

"Come back soon?" She sniffled.

"Of course darling." Her father wiped her tears and let go as he walked out the door with his bags and coat, not looking back to see his daughter's tear-stained face.

"You can't catch me!" She yelled.

It had been a few hours and their mother had already arrived home from work. She was in the kitchen making dinner while her five-year-old, eight-year-old and ten-year-old kids played in the living room. Her heart was sinking. She knew that something was wrong, but she could not place a finger on what it was. Her heart felt heavy. It felt as though there was a great burden on her and she was not ready for it. Though she did not know what was up, she could not shake the feeling of what may be happening. Her instincts told her that she had to protect her children. But from what?


"Appa!" Two boys yelled in unison. "I want to come!"

Their father seemed annoyed, but they kept persisting. His now nine-year-old son had been bored all summer and wanted to join their father on a trip. His oldest, the fourteen-year-old also wanted to tag along. While his twelve-year-old daughter wanted to stay home and sleep. His sons kept asking, practically begging to come with him. Their sister sat on the couch, watching her desperate brothers while shaking her head. Their mother stood in the doorway watching with a small smile on her face. Finally, she came up to the father and told him that he might as well. Uneasily, he agreed, saddened by the events to come.

He told his sons to go pack their things quickly and be out soon while he said his goodbyes to his daughter and wife. He gave both of them something, telling them not to open it until it was the day he was to come back. To his daughter, he gave the son's cards as well, since they would be joining him instead. She thought it was odd. Why give the cards to me and not them? She looked at them and wondered what were its contents.

As her father and brothers left, she felt something strange come over her. Like she had to do something, but she did not know what it was she had to do. Ignoring the feeling, she went over to them and said her goodbyes. To her brothers, they got some hugs, awkward ones, but still sentimental. With her father, however, she got an oddly long kiss on the forehead and embrace. As they walked out the door, she could not help but feel like something was up and she had to stop it. Additionally, she was not the only one who felt this way. Her mother had the odd feeling too. She felt the strange sensation she got four years back.

The daughter's curiosity took over. She could no longer wait to read the note. As she opened her envelope up, she could not help but feel guilty. Not only that, she felt something odd. It was not good. She looked through the card and saw her father's familiar handwriting. A sentimental card had been written for her, what was wrong with it? Suddenly, a small section caught her eye.

My beautiful Areum, I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore. Darling, I love you. You know that. My dear daughter, I can no longer go on. I am so sorry. I have hidden this from you for so long, but I can't stand my life anymore. I must go. I will miss you sweetie; I know you'll miss me too. Please forgive me. I love you, Appa.

She felt tears stinging her eyes. Was he for real?! She tore open her brother's cards and found similar messages. There was no way he was joking. She bolted up and ran to the kitchen where her mother sat, reading a book. She yelled at her mother and told her the news. Not in anger, but in fear. As she did, she got her coat and shoes. Her mother told her to stop and that they would call the cops. However, she would not listen. She knew the cops would be of no use. She could bike out and find them. She told her mother to call the police while she left to see if she could get them. They could not have gotten far... could they? Her eyes were red and she did what she could to get as far as she could. On her way, she called her siblings. It was hard for her to balance her phone while biking, but she managed. Before she could tell her brothers everything, the line went silent. All she got to say was "Stop, Appa!" And that was that.

Her heart raced as she sped down the roads. She knew it was pointless, but deep in her heart, she had hope that she could stop them. With her heart pounding in her chest, she kept going on her journey. About an hour later, she started to really feel the effects of riding a bike so fast and for so long. She thought she would faint. Not now. She thought. You must save your Appa and brothers. It gave her more motivation to go after them. Eventually, after another hour of riding, she found herself stopping by the side of the road where a car had collided with a truck.

She fell to the ground as she saw her family's car on the side of the road. There were three bodies that were covered. She knew all too well whose bodies they were. She felt tears trickling down her face as she curled up, bystanders watching the girl. Her thoughts finally started to take over as she collapsed to the ground completely.

I'm too late.


;~; this is so sad. I don't know where I got the inspiration to write this.

I hope you're enjoying though, please tell me your thoughts in the comments and support this book if you want to see more!

See you next time!

Update 5/22/2020: Since I have so many people supporting my book (THANK YOU) I will be doing the shout outs in chapters that came before when the shout outs started. Thank you <3

Thanks to Lycbernice for supporting my book!

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