Tell Me What's Wrong

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Jisung POV

We had spent the evening at the park, until the sky turned dark. We all were just about to part ways to go to our homes. Jeongin had already fallen asleep and Woojin was piggybacking him home. It was cute, I just had to snap a pic of it. Seungmin and Hyunjin ended up going together since they lived close by to each other. Hyunjin was ushering Seungmin to go because he wanted to get home so he could do his "beauty routine." I was about to go too, the direction that Chan and Felix were headed in, until I noticed that Areum was not going with Minho and Changbin. I told Chan and Felix that I would catch up later, that I had forgotten to do something at the library which was in the opposite direction. The two shrugged and kept walking, probably talking about their Aussie things. Following Areum, I wondered where she was headed. Just by watching her, I could tell she was tuckered out, but it did not stop her from heading to... the dance studio? She headed into a dance practice room that was free. I stood outside the door once she got in, watching to see what she would do.

Setting up her phone to the speakers, she began to dance a little here and there. As if trying to memorize choreo of some sort. Once everything was set up, she pressed play and headed to the center of the dance floor, standing with a microphone in her hand. Questioningly, I looked in, more intrigued than before. Why was she singing in a dance studio? Her hand ran through her hair and the music started. She began to dance and sing. I was mesmerized. The way she was able to move her body, it was great. I had seen her dance before, that first time she came by, but every time I saw her dance, it was truly amazing. Now, the fact that she was singing while dancing was even more surprising. It really is hard to be able to sing and dance, I would know. Right now, for the boys and I, we sing and record it and dance to the recording. We have never really tried singing and dancing. Especially since our dances are really hardcore. I think we will build up to that someday, just not now. While Areum, on the other hand, was already singing and dancing at the same time. As the section of her song ended, she stopped and collapsed to the ground.

She was not really passing out, she was just tired. I saw her upper body expanding then getting smaller, and really quickly. A sign that she was breathing hard. The song continued to play in the background and she began to sing along, though she was out of breath. As the song ended, she sang the last bit pretty loud, even I could hear it clearly.

"There's no place I'd rather be." She stood up and this time, took her phone and put it on the ground, propped up to the mirror and started recording. She pressed play on her phone, the music coming from the Bluetooth speakers. Walking away from the phone, she went to the center and began her routine again. Again, she put in just as much effort, singing as best she could while dancing as hard as she could. Once the routine ended, she stopped recording and took her things. Quickly, I ran outside and headed home.


3rd Person POV

Calmly, Areum walked into the school with the boys. They were all chatting happily about how well the second round had gone. For all of them. Areum had joined without the boy's knowledge until Jisung had seen her that one time and told the other guys. Eventually, they got around to asking if she was participating and she could not lie, she was. Of course, they asked why she would not join them. She had said she did not want to ruin the teamwork and chemistry they all had with each other.

Soon enough, once they got into the cafeteria, a swarm had gathered around all of them. A whole bunch of girls pushing and shoving to get to the boys. Eventually, Areum had been pushed around so much that she almost fell over. She ran out of the crowd, breathing hard after trying not to get killed by the frantic students. Ultimately, she decided to walk away, back to her class and leave the chaos behind her. Areum did not want to make the boys suffer through that crowd, but there was not much she could do, unless she wanted to be hurt in the process.

"Yah!" A voice said behind her.

She whipped around quickly to see Minho behind her, panting since he had ran after her.

"Why'd you leave us?" He walked into the classroom. "They're looking for you. They want to know who we were hanging out with too."

"I didn't want to get crushed." She shrugged and walked over to her desk where she sat down and laid her head on the table.

"Something wrong?" He cocked his head as he walked over and went on his knees, looking up at her face.

"Nothing." She turned her head the other way to avoid eye contact.

Minho stood up and stared at her. Something was wrong. She just was not saying anything. He stood above her, not wavering. He was not going to leave her here alone, but he did not know how to get her to talk. He already knew that she could be stubborn when she wanted to be. Eventually, he walks around to stand on her other side so that she sees him.

"Tell me what's wrong." He kneeled again.

"Nothing." She closed her eyes.

"Sure." He raised his hand and put it gently on her head, brushing away the hair that was hanging in front of her face so that he could see her full face.

Her eyes opened wide at his touch. She felt his hands tuck her strands of hair behind her ear elegantly. She suddenly got confused when his hand went close to her face again even though there was no longer any hair in front of her face. His hand cupped the side of her cheek gently. Using a gentle force, he got her head up and got her to look at him. Eyes wandering, he looked at her face, he chuckled at the surprised expression she had.

"Tell me." He demanded.

"No." She stood up, getting out of his grasp and walking to the door.

Quickly, he stood up and ran after her, grabbing her hand before she could leave. She turned around to look at their hands before shaking his off and continuing to the door. He called out her name, once, twice, three times. She finally responded by calling his name back before completely leaving to go who knows where.


I promise I have a good reason for posting 3 chapters today!

I will explain myself tomorrow! Please don't kill me for the overload of chapters!

See you next time!

Update 5/22/2020: Since I have so many people supporting my book (THANK YOU) I will be doing the shout outs in chapters that came before when the shout outs started. Thank you <3

Thanks to -SeonghwasWife- for supporting this book!

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