New Girl

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Chan POV

I was about to call out her name. Just as she was passing by, I decided to bite my tongue. She did not seem like she wanted to talk. Her head was down and she had earbuds in. Her normally cheerful self was down in the dumps. I was debating on whether I should talk to her now or not. I guess I would have to wait. Maybe during gym.

The morning passed by and I could not seem to get her upset image out of my mind. All I wanted to do was make her smile. Make her happy. Finally, it was the third period and we had gym. Hurriedly, I went by Woojin, who seemed surprised at my eagerness, and ran towards the gym. There, I almost bumped into Haneul and Areum.

"Oh, oops, sorry." I bowed slightly and went into the changerooms to get changed. Soon after, I was done changing and out of the changerooms to wait for the girl in the younger class. She was out quicker than I thought.

"Chan!" She said cheerfully, running up to me, giving me a hug.

I chuckled as I embraced her too. "Long time no see Grace!" (A/N: I was going to name her Hannah but I realize that Chan's sister's name is Hannah...)

She ended up talking with me throughout most of the gym class. We were playing badminton as partners too. As the day went on, we did not see each other too much, but by the end of the day, we were chatting for a really long time. She was being perky and joyful as always, which brought a smile to my face. I had asked her what was wrong before, she told me that she was just homesick. She told me a whole bunch of reasons as to why. Being me, I gave her a hug, trying to comfort her. As I was hugging her, I looked up to see Haneul and Areum staring at us. Areum was a little surprised, and Haneul was shocked. I watched as Haneul ran off, back inside the building, Areum following shortly after.


Areum POV

"Haneul, wait!" I ran after her. "Haneul!!!"

She stopped running and looked at me. "What?"

"There must be a misunderstanding. Grace..." I looked back at the door. "We don't even know the relationship between those two. Come on."

"I think he likes her." She shrugged. "There's no way he'd like me anyways." She looked at me in silence.

"Come on." I took her hand, dragging her back out the door. "We can figure it out okay?"

She sighed and nodded. Grace and Chan had found a place to sit and were now talking. We walked past them, Chan looked up at us. Haneul refused to look at him, but I did anyways. He looked questioningly at us, but then went back to his conversation with Grace.

All I knew about her was that she was a transfer. She lived elsewhere in the world and had come by for a month in a transfer program. Somehow, Chan and she had a connection. Or perhaps they never did and just clicked on the first day they met. Whatever the reason was, I had to convince Haneul that she still had a chance. That she should not give up on liking Chan. After all, Chan does like her too.


Jisung POV

"Haneul!" I ran after her as she headed down the street.

It was early in the morning and both of us were headed to school. She lived close to Chan while I lived closer to Felix. Neither of them had come by yet and she was the first one I saw so I decided to join her. She stopped in her tracks and let me join her. She took out her earbuds and turned off her music, putting her phone and earbuds away in the process.

"What's up Jisung?" She smiled as we continued our walk towards the bus stop.

"Nothing much." I shrugged. "Just didn't want to walk alone."

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