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Chan POV

Haneul and Areum were by the tree talking, while the rest of us boys were fooling around in the fields. I stopped chasing Felix for a moment to watch the two, admiring one of them especially. It was nice to see them both happy and not too stressed.

"Oi, Chan!" Areum called out, waving me over. "Just come over and talk to her next time instead of standing there and drooling over her." She teased, giving a light punch to my shoulder before walking away and pushing me towards Haneul.

"You creep." Haneul teased, putting her hands up to keep some space between us.

I smiled as I tried to peck her cheek, the smile only grew as I heard her giggles. "How am I the creep?" Succeeding with the kiss, I pulled away and simply held her by the waist.

"LOVE BIRDS!" Seungmin called out at us before turning back to the others.

Chuckling, the two of us walked over to them, hand in hand.


3rd Person POV

Her eighteenth birthday already passed and the day of her leave was nearing. With everyday ending, each friend of hers would heave a long sigh before turning over in their beds and falling asleep.

She, on the other hand, sat awake each night. Yeah, she was alright now, but she was still sleepless. There was no intention for her to sleep. Though she wanted to some nights due to being tired all the time, she chose to stay awake while trying to savour her time in Korea while she could. As she lay in her bed, about to pass out from tiredness, she heard her door unlocking and someone coming in. In an instant, she sat up to stare at the lights turning on to see man's figure taking his shoes off. Cautiously, she stood and walked out of her room and walked towards the kitchen which was by the door. The man stood straight up, jumping back suddenly at the sight of her.

"Areum..." He held his chest. "What are you doing awake?"

"What are you doing?" She questioned back. "In my house."

"You forgot some stuff earlier, I was gonna put them back in your room." He showed the bag. "Can I do that? I'll leave-"

"No." She grabbed the bag and threw it on the couch. "Don't leave."


Changbin POV

"Minho?" I tapped my foot while my fingers tapped my phone. "Please.... Pick up."

"Is he still not responding?" Woojin stepped up to me, concern in his eyes.

"No... he's not." I pulled the phone from my ear and put it on speaker as Woojin and I chatted. "She's getting anxious." I observed from my spot near the wall.

"She is." He replied. "Look at her, it's like she's waiting for someone special and needs them to be there."

I chuckled while staring at my phone. "What if she is?"

"Oh come on." He nudged me. "We can't assume... but we never know."

With a slight shake of my head, I turned back down to my phone, Minho had responded. "Hyung, where are you?"

"At the park." A broken voice said.

"Would you look at that." Woojin mumbled. "Heartbroken." Woojin cleared his throat. "Get your butt over here. Areum is waiting for you."

"She never wants to talk to me though." His sigh resounded. "And I can't bear to see-"

"Shut up, and just get over here. She needs you." Woojin cut him off and ended the call.

"Hyung!" I said, retracting my phone. "Why did you end it?"

"Because I know Minho. If he really loves her, he'll be here for her." He shrugged, leading me back to the others.


3rd Person POV

"Areum, come on, he might just be late." Haneul tugged at her arm.

"I thought..." Areum shook her head and stood at Haneul's pulling. "Nevermind. Let's just enjoy our time together while it lasts. I am leaving tonight after all."

Suddenly, Jisung and Chan burst through the doors. "So he bailed! He was being a baby in the park." Jisung yelled out.

"Are you okay?" Haneul gave him a look before turning back to Areum. "What do you want to do?"

Areum walked past her, ignoring her completely and headed to Jisung. "What?"

"Oh, Minho." He stated. After seeing Areum's confused face, he explained. "Changbin called him. He's being sulky in the park right now."

"Oh, I see." Areum nodded before walking past. "Can you guys... uh... keep the others occupied. I need to give you guys something but I need to go pick it up first." She said while grabbing her shoes and bag.

"Sure..." Haneul pushed Chan and Jisung towards the living room. "You guys do that. I'm gonna go prepare lunch."

"Let me help?" Chan pushed back against Haneul while letting Jisung past him.

Playfully rolling her eyes, Haneul nodded. "Fine."

As that all happened, Areum had already left the house and was on her way to the park. As she walked past the many landmarks she reminisced all the good memories. She found herself going past the cafe and as she walked by, she felt a hand wrap around her waist. Instinctively, her arms guarded her chest as she was about to hit whoever she just walked into. Fear struck her from her first visit to the cafe, but as she looked up, the fear faded.

"What are you..." She was hushed as the boy turned their bodies to the side, this body shielding her from the water that splashed from a car's tire. Before she knew it, she found herself trapped again between the wall and the boy. "Doing here?"


skdn I've won a 2nd contest, is this possible? I don't think so.

Also, there are so many reads, I can't even comprehend. I love ya'll.

I was doing something special for you guys but I don't know what. I need suggestions. And please give some this time.... no one responds to what I have to say so....

Thank you to StaysDontStray for your support for my book!

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