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Hyunjin POV

A few weeks passed and we had our guards up on Areum. She was gradually getting better. School was back in full swing which meant those girls were bothering her again. However, now she let us help her. Though she was always reluctant, she let us stand up for her. Though not many people noticed, I did. She was happier.

"Areum!" Jeongin ran into her arms.

"Congrats, cutie." She chuckled as he held onto her.

"I'm not cute." He protested as he swayed side to side. "But can you believe it???"

"Of course I can." She nodded. "I knew you guys would make it."

The others caught up to us and started to chat like crazy. They were all so excited because of the results of the competition. We had made it through and had the chance to visit a company for a day next week. We had higher chances of getting accepted into companies too.

"Haneul, why don't you go over to your sulky boyfriend, eh?" Areum nudged Haneul who was just standing by Areum's side.

"But I wanna let him sulk." She chuckled. "He looks cute like that too."

"Go, you know he wants to hear from you." Areum pushed her gently to Chan.

"Fine, fine." Haneul was off and we watched her. He lit up once she approached him.

Turning my attention back to Areum, I asked her a few questions. "It's too bad you weren't in our group though."

"Yeah right." She shook her head. "I wouldn't have it any other way."


Woojin POV

"It was the last week of January, and we had already gone to the company just a few days ago. It was actually pretty good, it made me want to become a singer more than ever before. The others had agreed that it was a great experience.

Things were okay now. Areum was getting much better. I noticed that she had finally gained some weight, and a healthy amount too. Sure, she still struggled to eat sometimes but she was doing great. It was getting better. Nowadays, she came to us when she needed something. Though, she would still keep things to herself. To me, it was okay that she did so, as long as it was nothing too serious.

"Hyung." Minho was sitting by Chan and I. "Help me."

"With?" Chan asked as he turned off his phone.

"Areum." He said blankly. "She seems to be too awkward with me."

"Just give her time." I said. "You know, things have happened and you were one of the ones who actually witnessed it. Of course she'll be awkward about it."

"He's not wrong." Chan chimed in.

"I guess." He shrugged. "But she's warmed up to all of you guys much more than me."

"Well, we'll never know why. Just give it time." Chan replied, patting his shoulder. "Maybe she's like this for a reason, yeah?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Shut up." Minho punched his shoulder lightly. "No way, I have doubts on that."

"Come on, maybe she likes you." Chan persisted.

"Nah, he's right." I started to tease him. "Why would she?" I chuckled.

"Yah!" Minho turned to slap me lightly.

"You said it first!" I complained.

We went on to continue bickering and teasing Minho. Eventually, both Haneul and Areum came by to find us bickering, staring at us weirdly, they walked past us to the counter.


Areum POV

"What do you think that's all about?" We stood in line.

"I dunno." Haneul murmured as she looked at the menu. "What should I get?"

"Lavender honey sounds nice." I pointed at the menu.

"Sure, why not." She shrugged as we went up to the counter.

"One #3, Large please." She paused. "And one #6, large."

She paid and we waited at the end of the counter. "Yah, I said I could buy it myself."

"Whatever." She brushed me off. "You give me stuff all the time, my turn to return the favour."

"Fine." I sighed as I leaned on the counter.

"So..." She poked me.

"How are things with mint huh?" She gave me a cheeky smile.

"You know nothing is happening between us." I poked her back. "Nothing ever will."

"Come on," She reasoned. "Something could. I mean, we've both seen how he is with you." She grabbed our drinks and handed mine to me.

"I know." I nodded. "But I'm leaving anyways."

"I guess." She sighed. "Let's go out and say hi to the guys before going on our way."

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Haneul said as we headed towards them.

"We were just meeting up for a guy's day." Chan smiled at Haneul. "And you guys?"

"Uh, project." Haneul said. "I'm heading to her house." Haneul said as we started to walk past them. "We'll see you guys later though!"

Together, we walked away in silence while sipping our drinks. Yeah, I guess we were abnormally quiet, but that was just how we functioned. We could easily enjoy each other's presence and that was all we needed. Eventually, when we were sure we were out of earshot of the guys and when we had gotten bored of the silence, Haneul began to speak.

"Didn't you see how he was looking at you?" She nudged me.

"No." I shook my head as we headed to the elevator. "I'm too lazy for stairs." I said as we went in and I pressed a button.

"Pay more attention to him." She said. "You'll never know if you don't."

"Aish, no." I shook my head as we headed up. "It won't matter remember? I'm leaving."

With that, we were silenced until we got to my apartment.


Alright.... so... how was that climax?

Now I'll go back to regularly posting once a week probably. :) Is that okay?

I don't have much to talk about, but I hope 2020 has been good to you so far and I hope that it brings good things for everyone.

Also thank you for 11k, ;-; I can't believe it!

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