Dance Practice

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Woojin POV

Minho and Hyunjin had not noticed Areum sitting on the floor, hand running through her hair as she silently groaned to herself. They were too busy fighting. Areum did not seem to have a clue about what was going on, all she knew was that they were fighting. Again. Poor her, she seemed pretty stressed. I stood a distance away from Minho and Hyunjin as I took off my cap and ran my hand through my hair before putting the cap back on. Just as I was about to approach Areum, she stood up and glared at the two.

"Stop it!" She stomped her foot to get their attention. "I've had enough of you two bickering." She went to the side, grabbing her things and storming away. I looked over to the boys who stared at the door as she left.

"Great," I muttered as I shook my head at them. "Good job guys," I said as I walked out to go after her. I went out to the lobby and looked around, no Areum. Looking at the people at the front desk, they pointed outside and I thanked them as I headed out. As I looked down the sidewalk, I noticed she was a good distance away down the street, heading home. I ran towards her and she stopped, turning around with a glare, but her gaze softened when she realized it was me.

"Woojin..." She looked at her feet.

"Don't even think about apologizing." I put my hand at her chin so that she would look up at me. "You didn't do anything wrong, they deserved that."

"I..." She looked to the street. "Do I have to go back to them?"

"No." I shook my head. "How about I go grab my stuff and we go to my house, yeah?" I smiled. "We can come up with some choreo in my basement." She agreed so we headed back to the studio. She stood outside the practice room as I went in to get my things.

"Where is she?" Minho immediately asked.

"Somewhere." I grabbed my water bottle and stuffed it in my bag.

"Don't play with me, hyung." He crossed his arms. "I want to make sure she's okay."

"She's fine." I grabbed my coat. "Don't worry about it." I looked over to Hyunjin who was sitting against the wall. "Just stop fighting for goodness sakes." I walked out.


Areum POV

Laying on the floor, I took deep breaths. Woojin and I had just choreographed the routine and had just gone through it about five times without any breaks. We had just filmed it to watch and critique it and now, I was dead tired. He had gone to get some water for the both of us, leaving me to take a breather. Reaching for my phone, I checked the time. It was 3 pm. I looked through a few of my messages, there were a few from both Minho and Hyunjin. They were both saying they were sorry, but I did not reply. I left them on read. I went to the other messages I had. Haneul had asked where I had gone off to, I replied to her, telling her the full story. Then, Woojin came back down to the basement with two bottles of water.

"Here." He passed me one bottle. "Good job today."

"You too." I opened the bottle and took a few sips.

Chan had assigned our group to do a more so meaningful dance. Haneul's group was doing something pretty grunge styled and his group was doing a cute and fun kind of performance. My group had chosen a song called Hellevator, Haneul chose YaYaYa and Chan was doing School Life. As Woojin and I were choreographing Woojin insisted that I take the center and be the main focus of the dance. Though I was the guest, I did not want to take all the shine away from them, so he and I came to a compromise and made sure that everyone had their part. Thankfully, I would not have to learn much more than the dance. Since the boys had used these songs in previous parts of the competition, they could record their voices over it. In the end, Chan had decided, we would all come together to do another song together. The choice of which song was still being decided.

"Your phone's going off." Woojin handed me my phone which I had slid across the floor at one point. "Minho's trying to reach you."

Rolling my eyes, I took the phone and stared at the texts. Should I respond? I looked at Woojin who was now peering over my shoulder. I do not feel like it though. Woojin put a hand on my shoulder, telling me I did not have to if I did not want to. Shrugging, I decided not to.

"Should we film one more time so we can send it to them though?" I asked him. "We should practice one more time anyways."

"Sure." He agreed, taking our water bottles and putting them away while playing the music. We did the choreo one more time, filming it on my phone. After we finished, I sat down and made a chat with Woojin, Hyunjin, Minho and me. I sent them the video along with a text that they had to learn what they could and that Woojin and I would teach them their individual parts later on. Minho and Hyunjin saw the text immediately and replied, saying thanks but then also adding their apologies for arguing. I left them on read again. Woojin on the other hand, took up the opportunity to reply. His text said: Stop chatting and just learn the choreo already. Looking up at him, we shared a smile. One more text came in and both of us took a look. We are. Once again, sorry Areum, how's this for us trying the first time? Hyunjin sent a video along with it. Woojin and I watched the video on his phone, both sharing a few laughs as we watched them. I had to admit though, they did pick up on the choreo quite quickly. Once the video ended, I took up my phone and texted them back. Stop apologizing. Good job though. Keep practicing. I looked up to Woojin and he suggested that we invite them over to practice, which I agreed with. Woojin took the job of texting them and soon, they were over at his place.

Minho was the first to come to the basement. "Areum, I'm really-"

I cut him off. "I told you already, stop apologizing. Let's just practice." Which is exactly what we did. In the end, we really did have everything figured out. I looked at the time. It was 7 pm already. The practice had gone by quickly on because we had a section of the song to do, thankfully no the whole song. Eventually, we all headed upstairs to find things slightly different. I looked over to the shoe rack, another pair of shoes were there. Ah, Jeongin must have come back. I went towards his room and knocked on the door, he mumbled a come in. Which I did. He was laying the bed, looking away from me, probably thinking I was Woojin. I went over to the bed and sat beside his tired body. He turned over to look at me, revealing a very tearstained face.


I hope this isn't too boring... I mean, I do have 2.2k reads at the point and I know that is a lot, but I really hope that people can keep reading and are not just reading the first few chapters and getting bored. I made this for people to enjoy so I hope you are.

Thank you Toortle for supporting my book! I appreciate it a lot!

School starts in less than a week and my sleep schedule just got messed up ;~;

Anyways, see you in the next one!

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