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Minho POV

My eyes shot open. Looking around, I realized it was still dark. Who would be making these sounds this late at night? I thought to myself as I sat up. As the sounds erupted again, I groaned, looking in the direction of the noises. Standing up, I headed towards the sounds, trying to be as silent as possible. Slowly, I made my way to the sounds, until I was sure I knew who it was coming from. Bending down to the person, I cocked my head. What could be bothering her right now?

"Don't leave me..." I heard her voice say quietly. She tossed and turned in her sleep as she let whimpers escaped her lips.

I put a hand on her shoulder, shaking her awake. Her eyes shot open and she gasped as she sat up. She looked at me surprised before looking away and taking a few breaths. I stood and stepped over so we would be facing each other. I stuck out my hand, she took it and I pulled her up. I took her to the kitchen and sat her at the bay window. There, she sat looking out the window, in silence. I got her some water and came by to sit with her.

"Thanks." She took the cup. "Sorry for waking you up."

"Don't worry about it." I shrugged looking out in the direction she had been looking at. "Nightmare?" She nodded, explaining her nightmare.

After some time of us talking and some silence, I noticed that she seemed to be getting tired again. Taking her cup, I put it on the table nearby and pulled her close to me. I leaned on the wall and lay her on my chest, watching as she slowly drifted off to sleep. With a small smile on my face, I got comfortable and fell asleep as well.


Changbin POV

I stepped over a few guys as I headed to the kitchen. I was the first person awake and had decided to go the kitchen and get some water. When I entered, I could not help but let out a laugh. Trying to stifle my outburst of laughs, I covered my mouth while heading towards the cabinet. I got my water but set it down on the counter before taking a sip. I took out my phone and snapped some pics before taking my water and leaving.

"Oh, you're awake." I said as I noticed Haneul sitting up.

"Hmm?" She opened her eyes and turned to me. "Oh, yeah, I am." She looked down at her waist to find Chan's arms wrapped around them. She untangled herself from him and stood.

"Go to the kitchen." I gave her a smile, signalling to the doorway.

"Why?" She stepped over Chan and rubbed her eyes a little.

"You'll see." I said, going over to the couch and sitting while I watched her leave.

A few moments later, she came back, fully awake, a bright smile on her face. She walked over to me. She showed me the pictures on her phone and we ended up chatting about what we saw and other random miscellaneous things. Just as we were getting into the conversation, Areum walked out of the kitchen, a confused look on her face.

"Morning..." She looked at us with our phones out. "Oh no you did not." She walked over to us and grabbed Haneul's phone and then mine. "No... you saw that didn't you?"

Haneul chuckled. "Indeed." She looked up at her. "Wait, no, don't delete it!" Haneul grabbed her phone.

"Yah, you guys are so loud." Minho said, stepping out of the kitchen.

"You..." Areum threw my phone back at me, which I luckily caught, and she went over to Minho and gave him a finger flick on the forehead.

"What was that for?" Minho crossed his arms.

"You can ask your roommate about that later." She walked to the door and grabbed her bag. "I have somewhere to be actually." She put on her coat and shoes. "See you guys later, tell the others I had to go!" She walked out and left.

"So what was that about?" Minho turned to me, waiting for his answer.

"Oh, this." I turned on my phone and showed him the picture.

I could see him mentally facepalming himself. "Okay..." He walked elsewhere, disappearing into the kitchen.


3rd Person POV

Areum walked home, mentally face palming herself for letting things happen that night. Sure, it was just that she had fallen asleep and cuddled up to him, but it was awkward. Plus, Changbin and Haneul now had blackmail material for her and Minho. Sighing, she brushed the thought off and continued on her way home. Looking at her phone, she realized that Christmas was really only two days away. Christmas Eve was tomorrow.

Once she got home, she went to her room and lay in her bed. She was busy thinking about the holidays. It was going to be her first Christmas without family, without anyone really. Everyone had promised each other that they would be meeting up tomorrow on Christmas Eve so that they could meet with their families on Christmas day. For her, she would be alone. She could have been spending the holiday with her cousins, but they were on vacation elsewhere in the world.

"Why..." She put a hand up to her face and wiped a tear away. "Ugh, why am I crying now?" She thought to herself as she turned on her side and stayed that way.

She was reminded of all the Christmases she spent with her family. The waking up early and running to their parents room to wake their parents up. The wonderful meals. The gift giving and receiving. She missed it all. It was going to be the fifth year without her father or brothers, but the first without her mother.

Her body curled up into a ball as she cried harder. Why did nothing ever work out for me? She asked herself. I thought this was a new beginning. She wiped her tears away as she thought about how much trouble she caused and received by moving to Korea. The bullying, the losses, the hurt she caused her friends. She hated herself for it. In her mind, she began to scold herself.

Dear Areum,

I hope you enjoy your Christmas gift! Um, I want to see you happy, okay? I'm letting you go now... I'm going to get over you... I still want to be your friend though. I hope you are happier if I stop liking you, that way, Minho and I won't fight anymore. Please accept it!

Merry Christmas,


She recalled what Hyunjin had told her in the Christmas card. She sighed. It was so mature of him but it broke her heart that he had to let her go that way. It hurt her to know that it probably hurt Hyunjin a lot to do this. What hurt her most though, was the fact that she caused that in the first place.

Next to all that, she was going to leave in March. She did not have the money to be living in Korea for much longer. Back in Canada, she would be able to afford more, especially with her grandparent's help there. She knew that the hardest thing for her would be leaving. She had gotten so close with Haneul and the guys, she did not want to leave.

Suddenly, Areum sat up. She wiped away her warm tears and looked at the wall ahead of her. Was there a way to stop all of this? Was there a way to end it?


Imagine having friends that would blackmail you like that..... Can't relate.

jk my friends would totally do that to me with the boy they keep shipping me with XD

How are you enjoying this story???

:) Thank you so much for the 8k!

Also, this chapter has been posted in celebration of Cle 3: Levanter! Tell me what your favourite part of this comeback is (aesthetic, song(s), photoshoot, choreography, cinematography, etc.)!

Edit: 2/14/2020

So like I said in the Chapter "Kisses" I will be adding some shout outs because I can't seem to catch up on them.

The shout out goes to PollyGirl246! Thank you for your support!

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