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Jeongin POV

I was on my phone, Eunji was texting me. She had asked me what I was doing up so late. I told her that I was just waiting for it to strike twelve. As we were texting, Areum appeared by my side.

"Texting Eunji?" She sat beside me.

I hummed in response as I tapped send before looking at her. "Why?"

"No reason." She shrugged. "How are things with her?"

"Good." I gave her a curt nod. "Your advice worked."

She smiled. "That's good." She leaned back on the couch, suddenly disappearing into her own world.

I found it strange. She had been doing it all evening. She was never down to earth. At certain instances, she would be chatting with me or the others and seem perfectly fine. Yet, moments later, she would be in her own world or just completely spaced out.

Sighing, I waved my hand in front of her face to see if I could get her back. She continued to stay that way, not noticing my hand. Hyunjin had come over with a confused look on his face.

"She's spaced out again." I gave up and sat back as he came to sit on my other side. "What do you think is going on?" I asked quietly, turning to him.

"I wouldn't know." He shrugged. "I wish I did." He said as he watched her. "Why is she hiding something again?" I heard him mutter to himself as we went on to do separate things.


Changbin POV

"Did she fall asleep already?" I nudged Chan's arm.

He hummed in response as he stroked Haneul's hair. "She was up yesterday, she's been tired." He explained.

"Do we wake her up later?" I asked.

"Nah, I think she should rest." He looked at his phone. "It's 10:23. I'd just let her sleep."

"If you say so." I nodded as I turned my attention to Areum.

She had been wandering the house for no reason. There was not much space to wander, so now, she was wandering the balcony. Though it was a smaller space, it was quieter and had less people. I stood from the couch and headed out. When I closed the door, Areum flinched at the sound.

Turning to look at me, she relaxed. "Oh, it's you."

"The one and only." I chuckled as I went to stand beside her. "Why are you alone?"

"I'm not allowed to be?" She went back to looking out at the other buildings.

"Well... you can, but we're all in there." I gestured inside. "Why don't you join us?"

She sighed and shrugged. "I guess I just have a lot on my mind."

"Want to talk it out?" My voice went soft.

"No!" She turned to me quickly. "I mean... no." She said softer.

"Why not?" I was confused by her sudden outburst.

"Uh... I don't want to ruin the night." She explained uneasily. "It's New Year's." She put her hands on my shoulders and turned me around. "Go inside, it's cold, I'll be right behind you. Just give me a few minutes."

Confused, I headed inside, doing as she asked. When I came in, Chan asked me if he could put Haneul in my room so that she could sleep elsewhere. I gestured for him to do so absent mindedly, instead I thought about how strange Areum was acting. Was she okay?


Jisung POV

"Okay guys, I have something for all of you." Areum said as she walked to her bag. "It's not much." Her voice was shaky. "Just don't open it before 12 and open it when I'm not here because if you read it in front of me I'll cringe." She took out envelopes and handed one to each of us, leaving Haneul's by her hand.

"Why? I wanna open it!" I asked as I got it.

"Please, don't." She poked my cheek. "Seriously though, don't, it's... um... a tradition that I used to do..." She seemed uneasy with her explanation. "With my family... um, yeah, I want to keep it that way...?" She seemed to be trying to convince herself of her own words.

"Oh, in that case, sure." I nodded as I placed the card on the table, facing up so people would not take it as my name was on the top side.

"Why give it to us now? It's only 11:40." Hyunjin asked when receiving his.

"Oh um, I dunno." She shrugged. "So I don't forget?" She finished handing them out. "Actually, uh, I'm gonna go to my place quick. I need to go grab something."

"Can I come with?" I asked, eager to do something other than sit around.

"No." She shook her head as she headed to the door, taking her bag and shoes.

"Why not?" I pouted.

"Because I said, no." Her voice got a little rough but it quickly turned soft. "Sorry, Jisung." She looked to her left then back at me. "Um, it's a girl thing." She said, cheeks turning a little pink as she opened the door.

"Oh come on~" I said, following her.

"Jisung, I said, no." She put her hand out and put it on my chest. "Go back." She seemed pretty serious so I backed away.

"Okay, Noona." I nodded, walking away as the door closed.


3rd Person POV

Areum sighed once she got out. I'm sorry guys. She thought as she walked in the opposite direction of her apartment. I just can't take it anymore. She felt the tears starting to sting her eyes as she walked towards the staircase. I love you all. Her mind raced. But this is too much for me. She let her tears fall as her hand touched the doorknob to the rooftop.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HEED THE WARNING! it is getting serious and I really do not want to be the cause of someone hurting because of what I wrote. 

2020 is nearing and I am so thankful for you guys! <3 Thank you for continuing to encourage me to write and for being supportive!

Sorry, this is a little late today, I woke up late and I had places to be so I could not post. ;-; 

See you guys tomorrow!!

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