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Seungmin POV

Everyone had arrived at this point and we were all just hanging out. It was only seven and we were all staying until the next day. This night, I had planned to taking pictures, fooling around, and just enjoying my time with the others. At this point in the night, I was hanging out with Jeongin and was just bugging him about being cute.

"Hyung~" He pouted. "Stop saying I'm cute."

"But you are." I said, pinching his cheek lightly.

He frowned, adorably. "No I'm not."

This continued for a good few minutes before Jeongin called Chan over to get me away from him. Chan just laughed and poked Jeongin's cheek.

"Well, I can't make Seungmin lie." He laughed. "You are adorable."

Jeongin huffed and looked up at Haneul. "Save me, Noona."

"Sorry kid." She smiled. "I think you're adorable too."

Jeongin kept searching for help until eventually he found refuge with Felix. In other words, he got distracted by whatever game Felix was playing, making it pointless for me to bug him. I moved on to hang out with Areum. She was particularly quiet today. She did not seem to be down to earth either. It was like she had things to think about and it was getting the best of her. She sat in silence, staring at a blank screen.

"Areum?" I waved a hand in front of her face, causing her to blink and turn to me. "You know the show finished a while ago right?"

"Hm?" She looked at the screen and to me. "Oh, yeah, I was just thinking."

"What about?" I questioned.

"Uh..." She avoided eye contact. "Just reflecting on the year."

"If you say so." I nodded, leaving her to think as I went on to go bug another victim.


Chan POV

"I don't feel good, Chan." Haneul sighed as we watched the night sky on the balcony.

"Do you want to go home?" I asked, worried.

"No, not like that." Haneul turned to me. "I mean, something's up tonight, and I don't know what it is. I just have a bad feeling about it." She sighed.

"Ah, I see." I nodded, putting my arm around her. "What do you think it is?"

"I swear, something is going on with Areum." She did not react to my touch, telling me she was being really serious. "She was so distant the past few days, didn't you notice?" She paused. "And she seems unusually happy but uneasy today... like something is really up." She thought for a moment. "It's like... like she's going to do something that she isn't ready for but has to do..."

"What do you mean by that?" I furrowed my brows, trying to understand.

"Like she's going to tell us something or do something that she didn't really plan." Haneul shrugged. "Maybe I'm just imagining things. Am I, Chan?"

"Maybe you are." I pet her head. "But your instincts normally mean something. We'll keep a close eye on her okay?"

"Sure." She nodded as she turned to me, seemingly changing the topic too. "Thanks."

"What for?" I shifted a little as I let go of her.

"I know that I may not seem as into this relationship as I really am." She said quietly. "And, you know, I'm not as outspoken about it, and all that... you know." She turned her head away from me.

"Hey," I brought my hand out to hold her arm. "I don't need you to be super into it or anything like that. All I need is you, and the real you."

She looked up at me. "Are you sure I'm enough?"

"More than enough." I pulled her towards me, embracing her in the process.

"Thank you." She whispered to me. "For everything." She lifted her head to look at me.

"Same to you." I smiled, bringing my head down little to give her a small peck on the lips. "What would I do without you?"

"You tell me." She smiled, leaning her head on my chest as we watched the night sky.


Felix POV

"Oooo guys look!" I said as I pointed towards the door. "Those two are being love birds."

Jisung came by and so did Seungmin. "Look at them cuddling!" Jisung gushed.

"I'm using this for blackmail." Seungmin took out his camera and snapped a pic.

"Lovebirds?" Areum came by and sat beside me.

"Look." I gestured to Haneul and Chan.

She chuckled. "I'm teasing her about that tomo-" She stopped herself as she looked at them. "When they get back inside."

I thought it was odd how she corrected herself that way. What was the difference with teasing Haneul tomorrow or when they came in? Was there much of a difference? At this point, Areum seemed to be in her own world. I was going to ask, but seeing that she was out of it, I decided to save the question for later.

I stared at the clock. It was eight thirty already. To be honest, I was not here because of New Years. I was just here to hangout with my friends for a few hours. Probably pull an all nighter in the process.

I looked around me. Everyone had returned to doing their own things. Chan and Haneul had finally come back inside and Areum was already teasing Haneul in the process. Chan was seated beside me now, not doing very much. So I took the chance to start teasing my hyung.

"Come on, bro." He nudged me. "I'll get back at you for teasing me."

"How?" I tested him for the fun of it.

"Somehow." He laughed, not telling me much more. In the end, we were in fits of laughter, having fun and enjoying the last of 2015.


Who saw the mu:fully m/v for Gone Days? I loved it. Chan's freckles and his entire look was so adorable!!! Also, Seungmin being mad is like... :O They were all so cute and amazing though!

Anyways, thank you to everyone who is supporting this book!

Wouldn't it be such a coincidence if this book got 10k on New Years? Like you know, starting a new decade and 10 would be.... I'll stop haha. (Btw I'm not asking for you to read it and make it 10k, I just wanted to point that out...)

Again HEED THE WARNING: Do not read if you are sensitive to issues about mental health. PM me if you need to know what it is.

Alright, see you tomorrow :)

ps: sorry Minfleur hahaha I bet this is so cringey for you when you think about the fact that I based Haneul off of you XD

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