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3rd Person POV

All the boys were having a meeting at Woojin's house. They were gathering to talk about Areum and also about the competition. All of them were worried about Areum, and they knew that they had to talk about it. She had obviously been acting up recently. She often walked past them or away from them. She would not sit with them sometimes. Often, she would come to practices late and obviously in pain. Then, she would not go on the breaks she told them to take, rather practice her own dances. She would not walk them home, or at least, she would not walk with Changbin and Minho. She would stay behind to train herself. Or at least, that is what they thought she was doing.

"So first, let's do this so we can get it over with." Chan sat beside Jisung and Jeongin. "We need a name." He paused. "Any ideas?"

Many ideas were discussed, quite a few were strange and ridiculous. Wild Boyz, N.I.N.E, Steps, and North to South were just some of the non-strange ones.

"Hey, why don't we do something about being stray?" Felix suggested.

"Huh?" The guys looked at him oddly, not knowing what stray meant.

"Chan, explain?" Felix looked to his hyung. Chan went on to explain what the word stray meant. The others nodded in agreement, they thought it would be a good idea.

"But what would the name be?" Changbin put his hand to his chin.

"Kids." Seungmin blurted out. "We are just kids after all."

"Stray Kids?" Jisung looked around. "I like it!"

"Everyone else okay with it?" Chan looked around the room. Everyone nodded. "Now, for what we really came here for." All the boys sat up because what they were going to talk about was really important to all of them. "Areum."


Areum POV

"You." A girl took hold of my collar. "Friend of those boys right?"

"Yes." I let my arms hang as I stood on my tiptoes. "Why?"

"Do you like any of them?" She asked, putting me down.

"As friends," I responded. Truthfully, I had no idea. Maybe I did? Maybe I did not.

"See." She dusted off my collar. "I have a problem." She crossed her hands. "I like one of them, but they seem to be taking an interest in you instead." She paused. "Actually, a lot of my friends like different people in that group."

"What am I to do about it?" I looked at her with no emotion.

"You will find a boy and go with him instead." She got closer to me. "Make sure that you make it clear that they can't have you."

"And if I don't?" I began to challenge her.

"Then I will hurt them and you." She gave me a wickedly white smile. "And for good measure, your friend, Haneul too."

"Fine." I looked to the side. "Find me a boy though." I walked away. "I won't be able to do that on my own." I paused before completely leaving. "Plus, it's the least you could do."

"You got it." She smirked and turned in the other direction, walking away.


Felix POV

"Bin, do you hear that?" I sat up, looking to the wall.

"I do." he shrugged. "Why?"

"Isn't that Areum's place?" I took his phone from him to make him listen to me.

"Yeah." He shrugged. "Why?"

"It sounds like someone's over at her house." I shook his arm. "Aren't you worried?"

"Probably her cousins." He tried to take his phone back.

"Hyung~" I threw his phone onto a cushion on the floor. "Listen to me!"

"Fine." He stopped and sat up, looking at me. "What makes you so worried?"

I looked to the wall once more. "she told me her cousins had gone on vacation..."

His eyes widened slightly and he got off the couch, going out to the balcony. I wondered why he did not go to the door and knock, but I guess that was where he would talk to her often. I watched him go, just as he did, Minho and Jisung came out of the master bedroom looking at me. He asked what was going on and went out to the balcony with me. We found Changbin looking at Areum with her hand in someone else's.

I looked over to Changbin, who looked back at me. He seemed shocked, and he was never one to show it. Being one of his closest friends gave me the chance to be able to see what he was feeling. Right now, he was extremely surprised. We all were. Walking up to him, I put an arm on his back while we looked at Areum and the boy. They had not noticed us there, they were just sitting, not facing Minho and Changbin's apartment, holding hands and talking quietly. My eyes wandered over to Minho and Jisung. They too were in a state of surprise. Jisung had his arm around Minho's shoulder, while Minho had a stone-cold face, trying to hold something back. His gaze was upon Areum and the boy. Whenever he focused on the boy, it seemed like there were flames in his eyes. It looked like he would kill the boy. His hand rose and he touched his cheek. Getting out of Jisung's arms, he turned around and walked through the sliding door that lead into the master bedroom, slamming the door on the way in. That caused Areum's head to turn to us.

"Oh," Her cheeks turned a little pink. "Sorry, I didn't see you guys there." She stood up and walked over to the side of the balcony closest to us.

"Hi, Areum," I replied since no one else said anything. Jisung put a hand on my shoulder, telling me he would be inside. Changbin looked at me and decided to stay, but he shook my arm away.

"Who's that?" Changbin asked as he leaned on the rail.

"Oh him?" Areum ushered the boy over. "This is..." She stopped talking with she felt his hands on her shoulders, trailing down her arm.

"That is...?" I waited for her to continue.

"Oh, right." She looked at us with a smile. "This is Hwan." She paused. "My boyfriend."


How do you like it so far? I hope it's enjoyable! Thank you so much for getting me to 650+ reads! I really cannot believe it!

I am happy to write this story, I feel like I have some motivation, but at the same time, not very much and I'm starting to doubt my writing... Please show your support, maybe it'll help motivate me!

Also, on a totally unrelated note, Singular Act II by Sabrina Carpenter is bomb, so is Singular Act I and any of her albums. I recommend it! It's really good.

Okay, see you in the next chapter on Tuesday probably!

Update 5/22/2020: Since I have so many people supporting my book (THANK YOU) I will be doing the shout outs in chapters that came before when the shout outs started. Thank you <3

Thank you to Cadenza1432 for supporting my book!

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