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Woojin POV

"Stop." Areum laughed. "Come on, I'm not leaving just yet."

"But I want to savour this!" Jisung held onto her.

"You're gonna make me cry earlier than I would like to." Areum's voice broke just slightly.

Jisung let go. "Fine, but only cause I don't wanna see you cry." He stood straight and continued conversation with her.

Meanwhile, I headed towards Hyunjin. "You're awfully quiet."

"Like you aren't." He retorted.

"Moody much." I sat beside him.

"Sorry, hyung." He looked at his hands.

Sighing, I put a hand on his back. "It's alright, I think all of us are like this inside. Just don't bring Areum down, yeah? We gotta keep her happy."

"But she has to go in a few hours. How are we supposed to keep her happy?" He let out an exasperated sigh.

"Maybe you can give her that." I pointed at the necklace he had on. "You have a second right? You said you'd give it to someone special when you find that special someone."

"True... but she isn't my soulmate." He sighed. "She's Minho's."

"Who said soulmates had to be lovers? You could be friends." I nudged him. "You don't want her to forget you, right?"

"Fine, I'll do it. But right now, I'm gonna sulk here for a little more." He fingered the necklace that rested against his chest.

"Alright then. I'll let you do that." With that, I walked away to see the others.


Jeongin POV

"I have to go soon." Areum looked at her watch, her head perking up as she heard the announcements for her flight. "I have thirty minutes..."

A pout fell across my face as I watched her get up."Noona~" I waddled over to her and she chuckled.

"Come here you baby." She reached her hands out and gave me a hug. I felt her lift her head and a small, weak laugh left her lips. "Jisung, you can come here too." A pause. "You too Felix... and Seungmin, and Chan, and Woojin, Changbin, Minho, and you too Hyunjin." Before I knew it, I felt everyone around us. I heard Haneul to the side, she was taking pictures. As I held Areum close, I felt a tear drop of hers fall on my hand.

"Areum?" I let go, signalling for everyone else to let go as well. Walking up to her, I wiped her streaming tears. "Please don't cry."

"I can try not to." She gave yet another weak smile. Looking to each of us, her smile faltered a little. "Right, I had something to give you guys." She grabbed a box out of her bag.

"There's something in here for each of you and a note. And please, this time, actually follow my instructions." She paused. "Do not read this until I have left. I don't wanna cringe or cry, got it?" She handed the box to Haneul, knowing she would be the most responsible.

"We have stuff for you too." Seungmin piped up. He held out the gift a little hesitant.

"Oh... guys..." She took the gift, holding it preciously. "I'll look at it on the plane, for now, I'll spend these last moments with you."

Areum slung her arm around Haneul, giving her a side hug while talking to the nine of us. We were either super silent or super loud, there was no in between. People like Minho, Hyunjin, Haneul and Woojin were super quiet. Chan, Felix, Seungmin, Jisung, Changbin and I were super loud and trying to get everything out to her before she left. Before we knew it, we were back to clinging to her. At least, I, Felix and Jisung were.

"Guys, times up. I have to go in ten." She stared at her watch. "I'm sorry."

"No, don't be sorry." Woojin pulled her from our grasp and held her instead. "I'll miss you a lot. Support us overseas yeah? Spread the word about Stray Kids."

As Areum nodded, they released and Chan pulled her next. "Thank you for helping me deal with these children." He laughed while ruffling her hair.

"You were such an interesting neighbour." Changbin gave her the next hug, holding on just a bit longer to squeeze a little more of his love into her.

"We're not leaving you behind, got it?" Felix grabbed her from Changbin and hugged her really tight. "We'll find each other again."

"Yeah. Please keep in touch with me." Seungmin said, grabbing her hands before hugging her. "I'll need someone to fanboy with."

"Text me too!" Jisung held onto her. "I need someone to keep me company when those two get lovey dovey." He made a face at Chaneul.

"Thanks for everything Noona." I said as my arms wrapped around her. "I'll tell you all about me and Eunji, I promise."

"You know, you were such a hassle." Haneul came in.

The whole time, Areum was silent, but she finally broke a laugh out and nodded while wiping a few tears away. "I know I was. I'm sorry, Haneul."

"I wouldn't have had it any other way." They held each other for some time before finally letting go. "I'll miss you."

"You have Chan, shut up." Areum teased.

"Hey-" Before Haneul could retort, Chan grabbed her and held her back.

Areum stared at Minho and Hyunjin. Staring at the two, she made her way towards one of them. Grabbing him by the arm, she pulled him into a hug. Words were said between them, none that we could hear before they let go.

"Areum, don't, you're going to make me-" Before Hyunjin could finish, Areum had engulfed him in a hug.

"Thank you for being so mature." She stayed there and whispered a few more words into his ear before backing away and taking one last look at the ten of us. "I'm going to miss you all." Instead of sticking around, she ran off.

"Wait, Areum!" Seungmin yelled out. She stopped and turned around, walking backwards while mouthing goodbye before turning back and running.


Don't worry, it isn't the end... not yet.

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Thank you to Rowonwoo21 for your support! :)

Y'all I finally got around to watching Extraordinary You. It was amazing and like... too bad SKZ didn't get to act in the show.... at least they got to sing a song though!

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