Secret Santa

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Hyunjin POV

I walked out of the store to be met by Woojin. He and I headed towards the meeting place, but as we were headed there, I noticed some people from our school. In my mind, I knew something was up. I told Woojin to go ahead of me, he did not seem to question it and just left. I headed towards the group from behind them, to find that they were talking with Areum. As I watched, I could tell Areum was getting more and more uncomfortable. They were heading closer to her, causing her to walk backwards until she hit the wall. The group continued to close in on her; she had nowhere to go.

"Hey." I said, walking closer to them.

"Oh, it's you again." Kyunghee rolled her eyes at me.

"Yes, it is." I walked through the group and grabbed Areum by the hand.

"What do you think you're doing?" Kyunghee rose a brow as she watched us carefully.

"Just taking her with me." I shrugged. "She's supposed to be with me. Not you." I pushed through them with Areum and we walked away. As we got farther from the group, Areum pulled away from me, causing me to stop in my tracks.

"I could've dealt with that myself." She stated while looking me in the eyes.

"Sure you could've." I smirked a little. "You seemed to have that very well handled, yeah?"

"I didn't need you to save me." She kept a serious face on. "Seriously, I was fine."

I hummed in response. "Sure."

"Stop it." She said as she neared me. "Stop trying to save me from things, I don't need your help."

"That's what they all say." I looked down at her.

"Whatever." She said, shaking her head a little. "Just, don't help me next time." She walked past me.

"The meeting place is that way!" I called out as I watched her leave.

"I knew that!" Areum turned and walked the other way, still leaving me in the dust. Smirking, I followed her to the meeting place.


Chan POV

We were at my house and had just finished giving our secret santa gifts and receiving them and all. At this point, we were all just hanging around for the fun of it.

"Are you ever going to let me go?" Haneul squirmed in my embrace.

"Nope." I gave her a small smile before ruffling her hair.

"Please???" She started to get desperate.

"Nuh uh." I shook my head.

"Ugh..." She turned away from me to look at Areum who had just walked in. "Save me."

"I would, but no thanks." Areum chuckled as she watched. "I mean, you can always use that word remember?"

"Oh yeah..." Haneul turned back to me, making me wonder what in the world could she be thinking. "Oppa~ let me go please." My eyes widened as my grip loosened. She took this a chance to free herself. "Ew, ew, ew, I can't believe I just said that." She turned to Areum. "Let's go."

I heard laughing beside me. "Look at Chan-hyung's face!" Seungmin pointed at me. "It's so red!"

"Oh shush." I pushed him lightly as he continued to tease me. Sighing, I let the teasing continue, giving up on making Seungmin stop.

"First time for everything, right?" Minho sat beside me, nudging me and chuckling.

"Aish, yeah there is." I nudged him back. "Bet you wish someone could call you that too, right?" I watched as he got flustered.

He hummed a little before responding. "Nah, I'm younger anyway."

"So?" I nudged him. "She could say that if she wanted to."

"Yeah, yeah." He shook his head, changing the topic to avoid being teased. We chatted for some time, continuing our conversation until we were too tired to talk.


3rd Person POV

Haneul and Areum were sitting in the bay window of Chan's kitchen. They were talking seriously even though it was supposed to be a chill and fun day. Haneul was looking out the window when Areum came by with a mug for her.

"Thanks." She took it, taking a sip before putting it on the table nearby, Areum doing the same with her mug.

"How'd you like the stuff?" Areum asked, gesturing at the bags on the floor from all the gifts.

"It was lovely." She smiled. "Thank you for the BTS merch."

"Of course." Areum returned the smile while sitting down beside Haneul.

"And you like Hyunjin's gift for you?" She inquired as she got comfortable.

"Well, duh." Areum opened her arms. "I'm wearing his gift right now."

Haneul chuckled and nodded as she went back to looking outside at the street. "You're leaving is getting closer." She said with a sigh.

"I know." Areum's smile faded as she leaned her head against the window. "I'm not ready to leave yet.... It's stressful too."

"You're going to leave me to these guys for a few years~" Haneul took Areum's arm and shook it. "Don't leave me, I can barely handle Chan."

Areum laughed. "You'll have me on text and facetime and all that."

"But it won't be the same." Haneul gave her a slight pout.

"Yeah..." Areum nodded as she stared at Haneul's pouting face. "You know, I'm starting to feel lonely."

"You want to start dating someone???" Haneul said a little loudly as she nudged her.

"No!" Areum pushed her slightly. "I just want someone, you know?"

"You have me though!" She nudged Areum again.

"Correction," Areum said. "Chan has you." Areum chuckled.

"Fair." Haneul nodded. "Don't you think it's time to go to sleep?" Haneul looked at the clock across the room.

Nodding, Areum stood, Haneul doing the same after her. Haneul headed to the living room to find a few of the boys asleep already. Chuckling she walked through the hallway, to a closet. She stole some blankets without telling Chan and walked back into the living room to put blankets over the sleeping maknaes. Areum, on the other hand, was cleaning up the kitchen.

"Should we go home now?" Areum asked as she washed her hands in the sink.

"Yeah, but it's really late." Haneul pointed to the clock. "You shouldn't go out there alone."

"Just stay the night." Minho said as he walked in. "I'm not going home at this rate either."

"What are you-" Startled, Areum turned rapidly.

"Relax, I was just gonna get water." He walked past her to the cabinets to grab a cup before filling it up by the fridge then leaving.

"Listen to him, Areum." Haneul said. "You shouldn't go out."

"Fine." Areum dried her hands after turning off the tap. "Let's go."


Thanks so much for everything guys! I appreciate you all so much!

Anyone else anticipating Levanter???? Because I can not wait at all!

Thank you for all your support. I love you! <3

Edit: 2/14/2020

So like I said in the Chapter "Kisses" I will be adding some shout outs because I can't seem to catch up on them.

The shout out goes to Hyxnjin_editz! Thanks for your support for this book!

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