Not Alone

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3rd Person POV

Areum still sat writing on the sheets of paper with tears in her eyes. She was almost done. Just as she was going to start her eighth, the doorbell rang. Who could be here on Christmas? She thought to herself as she stood. She pulled her hoodie down a little as she was only wearing shorts underneath and headed towards the door. As she approached, she heard the sound of singing. Carollers? In an apartment? Being too lazy to look through the peep hole, she opened the door.

The singing stopped and she was attacked by hugs. "Wh-" She said, leaning against the wall while being hugged. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Do you think we were going to let you celebrate Christmas by yourself?" Jeongin said while letting go of her.

"I was hoping..." She muttered before looking up. "Fair enough." She said as an answer. "Go make yourselves comfortable in the living room." She said. "I'll get some drinks and snacks ready."

"I'll help you." Changbin spoke up. Shrugging, Areum let him; she was too tired to argue.

As everyone else made their way past them to the living room, the two headed to the kitchen. Changbin started by getting mugs while Areum was boiling water.

"Why were you crying?" He asked softly when he organized all the mugs.

"What do you mean?" She turned away from him as she made hot chocolate in a thermos.

"I'm not dumb." Changbin got closer to her. "I've seen you cry, and you look like you just did." He turned her around to make her look at him.

"It's nothing." She shook her head.

"You can tell me anything, Areum." He held her face so that she would stop shaking her head and just look at him. "You already told me about how you could be leaving... I haven't told anyone yet. Just trust me."

Areum grabbed his wrist and pulled it away from her face. "It's just memories. Nothing more is going on."

"If you say so." He nodded, moving away from her to let her finish making the hot chocolate. "Bin, get the cookies out of that cabinet please." She pointed to her left.

They finished making the snacks and the drinks and brought everything to the living room. Areum found that everyone was in their own little groups and decided to just leave it that way. She and Changbin put down the drinks and snacks. Changbin instantly went over to hangout with Chan, Felix and Haneul. Areum let out a small sigh as she watched them. She knew that they were there for her, but she was not feeling it. Quietly, she made her way away from the group and into her room.

She heard the sounds of her friends chatting up a storm whilst she was sitting at her desk and writing in the eight card. She put on her headphones, connecting it to her phone as she listened to some music. This time, she made sure to hold back her tears. She did not want anyone to notice this time. Her message on the card was almost done when the door suddenly flung open.

She flinched as she turned her head. "Yah." She said, turning off her music. "You scared me." She took off her headphones.

"We noticed you disappeared." He leaned in the doorway. "What are you doing anyways?"

"Uh... nothing... just writing and doodling." She lied.

"Can I see?" He stood and walked over to the table.

"No!" Areum turned over the paper and put it by the others which she put her hand over. "Umm... I don't want anyone to see them. They're just messy scribbles."

"So?" He rose a brow.

"Um... let's just go out, okay?" She gave him a small smile while leading him out.

He shrugged off the situation, not knowing that in the future, it would have been crucial to know what she was writing.


Woojin POV

The day after Christmas. It was a quiet day for both Jeongin and I. Not much was really going to happen. Other than cleaning up the house as we normally did. Today, we had decided that we wanted to practice some songs in the basement. Both dancing and singing. By the end of it, both of us just got lazy and went back to the main floor and started playing around.

"Hyung, I'm hungry." Jeongin said once our laughter died down.

"Alright, I'll go make something... how does ramen sound?" He nodded and followed me to the kitchen, sitting down at the table while I set up.

"Do you think Areum has eaten?" He suddenly said out of the blue.

"I'm not sure," I looked back at him. "Why don't you text her, hm?"

He nodded and did so. I watched as he read the text, waiting for an answer. He sighed. "She hasn't." He looked up from his phone. "Doesn't she worry you?"

"She does." I nodded as I went back to making the ramen. "But she's her own person and she is who she is. We can't interfere too much."

"Why not?" He put the phone down, waiting for an answer.

"Because we all know that whenever we interfere, she gets upset." I sighed.

I finished making the ramen and gave Jeongin his share. We both ate in silence until texts started to flood my phone. Sighing, I turned on my phone. Who could be spamming me right now? Felix? I looked at the messages.

Help, she fainted, help please come soon.

"Jeongin." I said. "We need to go. Now."


Hey guys! Tell me how you're enjoying this!

Thank you WDW_BTS_4Life for your support on this book!

Who saw Gone Days? It was so good! Like the vibe is right up my alley though!

And as usual, heed the Warning. Do not read on if you can't handle sensitive topics about mental health. Please feel free to message me if you need to know.

See you tomorrow! :)

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