Letting Go

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3rd Person POV

Finally. It was over. Well, not really, but it was finally the winter break. Areum had endured just a few more torturous moments from both Duri and Kyunghee. For now, she no longer had to. For now, she just had to deal with the guys and Haneul, which she did not mind.

"Hey~" Jeongin sat beside her.

"Hi." She smiled. "How'd it go with Eunji?"

A blush crept up his face. "Good." He looked up at Areum. "We're closer now."

"That's good, wh-" Areum was cut off by Seungmin who had just sat beside her.

"Ahahaha, I found this live of Day6..." Seungmin rambled on to Areum and showed her a whole bunch of things as she tried to keep up the conversation with Jeongin at the same time. In a few moments, Felix had approached her and tried to show her some random new dance he had learned. Jisung had also come along and tried to show her some aegyo. Haneul had just come by with Chan to see Areum being surrounded by the others. Immediately, Haneul let go of Chan's arm and went over to Areum. She put her hands on Areum's shoulders, startling her.

"Yeah, and did you see this, they look so amazing!" Seungmin showed her a clip from the live.

"Yeah, that's really cool!" Areum said as she turned to Jisung who was tapping her arm. "You're adorable." She said, poking his nose while turning to Felix. "Great job learning that new dance Felix!" She looked to Jeongin who was talking about Eunji. "Yep, that's cute." She replied before looking up at Haneul. "Help me~" She said silently.

"Too many things happening at once, yeah?" Haneul chuckled. "Don't worry, it'll be over soon." Haneul rapidly turned her head to the right as she felt someone touching her back. "Oh, Chan, it's just you." She let out a sigh of relief. "Hey, Areum?" She bent back down slightly to Areum. "It's my turn to ask you to help me." She chuckled. "He's clingy."

"Hey!" Chan said as he back hugged her. "I can hear you."

"I know." Haneul smiled. "Now, why don't you control your children here."

"Sure." Chan let go of Haneul and started to get the guys to go do something else. Eventually, Chan found himself talking with others, leaving Haneul and Areum alone to talk in the living room.

"They stopped, yeah?" Haneul asked. "That's good right?"

"Yeah it is." Areum agreed. "They'll be out to get me soon." She shrugged. "At least Moonbin's out of it."

"Very true." Haneul made her way around the couch and sat beside Areum. "Do you remember what the guy's reaction was when we told them that you guys gave up on dating?"

"I do." Areum laughed. "They were shocked, they thought we'd last."

"Well, anyways, Haneul put her hand on Areum's. "Have you figured out how you're gonna move and stuff?"

"No." Areum sighed. "All I know is that I have to go back." She looked up at her. "And I don't want to leave."

Haneul nodded. "When will you tell them?"

"How does February sound?" Areum smiled. "I mean, Bin knows though."

"Just tell them ahead of time, okay?" Haneul gave her a curt nod. "Don't just disappear."

"I won't, I won't." Areum assured her. "You know..." She said, about to change the topic. "I think the guys are getting worse." She gestured to Minho and Hyunjin who were giving each other glares as they walked into the living room.

"Unfortunately." She gave a small scoff as she watched them enter. "For you that is."

"Aish-" Areum pushed her lightly. "I will drag you into this too."

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