Late Nights

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Changbin POV

I watched as Areum stormed out. Haneul let out a sigh as she let her friend leave. Chan went over to her and put his hands on her shoulders as she covered her face in slight embarrassment. I looked to everyone else before following Areum out, grabbing her coat and bag, along with my things on my way out. I already knew that she was heading home, so without even trying to look for her, I went in the direction of our apartments. After some time, I got there to find the door to the staircase closing. Instead of taking the stairs, I went to the elevator. Finally, I got to our floor and went to her door.

"Who is it?" A shaky voice said aloud. Looks like she was too lazy to get up and go the door to check first.

"It's Changbin." I said, waiting for a response.

"Go away~" She said after a while.

"I have your stuff though." I reasoned as I waited. The sound of her unlocking her door was heard and she let me in.

"Thanks." She took her things and mine as well. She set my things down on a chair by a table while she put her own things in her room while I took off my shoes.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I sat on the couch when she came out of her room.

"I'm living." She simply replied as she sat beside me.

"What's making you so stressed?" I looked at her seriously.

She sighed. "Why do you care?"

"I'm your friend~" I put a hand on her arm and shook it off lightly. "Aish... you're so thin." I let go of her. "Anyways, what's got you so stressed?"

"Nothing." Her gaze dropped from mine and she looked away from me.

"Yah, stop lying." I nudged her lightly. "Seriously, what's going on?"

"Okay, well I can tell you one thing." She turned to me, probably getting tired of my nagging. "I can't stay here for much longer. That's all."

I hummed questioningly. "What do you mean?"

"Bin, I can't stay here forever." She sighed, putting a hand on mine. "I can't afford this place and I'll have to go back soon."

"When? And where will you stay?" My brows knit together.

"I'm not sure where, but I'll be going back to Canada in March." I watched her heave another sigh. "Don't tell the others okay?"

"Why can't you stay with your cousins?" I asked, trying to think of ways she can stay.

"Actually, they're going to be moving too." Her eyes wandered. "Bora is out of the house and Jihoon got accepted to a school in Europe." She paused. "Plus, my parents... or my mom at least, would want me to come back."

I leaned back on the couch and let my head fall back a little. It was my turn to let out a sigh as I closed my eyes. Biting my lip, I held back the sadness I was feeling within. Beside me, I felt Areum shifting, eventually standing up. Instead of looking at her, I let my eyes stay closed as I felt her presence leave. The sound of cups clinking and water running filled my ears. She returned and had put down the cups on the coffee table. She did not stay though. She went to the kitchen and I heard the sound of pans being taken out while she set something up.

"What are you doing?" I let my eyes open to stare at her in the kitchen.

She shrugged. "Making you dinner." Her eyes flicked to the clock. "It's 6 already."

"You don't have to." I stood to walk over to her. "I can make my-"

"You're here anyways." She cut me off. "Just sit and the food will be ready soon."

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