Story Time

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Minho POV

My eyes opened quickly as I stared at her. She did not. No way. Did she just....? She dropped her hands and stared at the ground with a shy smile on her face. Shrugging, I went to sit in the now formed circle. She followed, sitting back in her spot. Looks like none of them actually saw what happened. If they did, they did not care.

Jisung looked to Areum and smiled. "Your turn!"

"Um... Jisung, truth or dare?" She looked up at him.


The game went on from there. Jisung went on to asking Seungmin. Seungmin went on to ask me. It was an interesting dare. I really do not know what the point of it was. They told me to walk around the circle to Areum and do something to her. Anything, whether it be a hug, surprise attack, or anything. I guess they just wanted to see me interact with her. Shrugging, I did and gave her a surprise attack hug from behind her. She laughed and hugged me back a bit before she let go. Once I let go, I went to sit down. For some reason, I felt empty when I let go of her. Was I growing attached? No way. That could not happen. Just... no.


Felix POV

It had been quite a while since the storm had started. It was still going. We were up late into the night fooling around. After about an hour of playing truth or dare, we gave up on the game and started to do our own things. Areum had gone to help Jeongin out with his math homework. Hyunjin was asleep but in Chan's room... I do not want to be the one to wake him up. I thought to myself as I leaned back in the armchair I was sitting in. Changbin was listening to music and silently learning raps on the couch. Minho was asleep on the couch and Jisung was sitting beside him, petting Minho's head which lay on his thighs while scrolling through something on his phone. Woojin and Chan were making some food and talking about some school project. Seungmin was sitting in the middle of the living room, figuring out a puzzle.

Soon enough, Woojin and Chan told us to go to the kitchen for dinner. Chan looked at me and smiled slyly. He pointed at Chan's room. He told me to go wake Hyunjin up. I argued with him for probably a minute until he pulled out the "I'm your hyung." card. I sighed and walked over to the room. Shaking Hyunjin, I tried to wake him up. Some say that it would take two shakes of a lamb's tail to wake up their friends. It probably took me about a million to get Hyunjin to wake up. How did I do it? By telling him we were going to eat food without him and that there were watermelons there for him to eat. We both made our way to the dining room where a conversation had already started. We sat beside each other, On my other side was Chan who snickered once I came by. He gave me one of those took you long enough looks when I sat down. I ignored him and joined into the conversation. The others had already started eating and there was already food on my plate so I began to eat. The conversation had turned to one talking about our families. We all told Areum about our siblings and our parents and all that jazz. I was finding out new things about my friends too. In other words, I was reminded of the things I had forgotten.

My thoughts were interrupted by Seungmin asking the question, "Do you have any siblings, Areum?" an awkward silence falling over the table.


Areum POV

What was I supposed to say? My eyes roamed the table; they seemed to be waiting for an answer. Minho and Jeongin, who were beside me, seemed to notice my discomfort. Jeongin put his hand on mine under the table, reassuringly. Minho looked at me with a concerned look before looking away when I caught his eye. Just as Minho was going to speak up and probably tell them that they should not just ask, I piped up and decided to tell them what happened.

"Had." I looked at Seungmin with weary eyes. "I had two brothers. Yeongsoo was my older brother and Jeonghui was my younger one."

"Oh... I'm sorry." Seungmin said, looking away.

"No, it's alright." I took a deep breath. "This was bound to come about wasn't it?" I chuckled a little.

"If you don't mind me asking." Chan stared at me. "What happened?"

"Well..." I pondered on how I was supposed to tell them what happened. I might as well stall for time. "How about we finish up here first and I tell you in the living room... it can be like story time or something."

The others nodded and ate their food. They finished and began to clean up. I asked if I could go out to the balcony and have a moment to think. They all told me to go ahead and take all the time I needed. It must have been a good half hour before someone came out to check on me.

"Areum?" A voice startled me from behind.

I spun around to see Hyunjin in the doorway. "Yes?"

"Are you okay?" He paused. "It's been a while, and you're wet from the rain." He said, trying to get me inside without forcing me in.

"I'm okay." I went to the railing instead of going inside.

"Please come inside." He begged. "The others are worried and you'll get sick if you don't come inside soon!"

"Give me another few minutes." I turned to look at him. "Please."

"Five minutes." He said. "I'll be waiting here." He closed the door and sat by the wall waiting for me.

I felt the rain falling on me. Yes, I knew that I could get sick, but I really needed to think. What was I supposed to say? The question repeated itself in my mind. Before I could think of what to say, Hyunjin opened the door, dragging me inside soon after to the living room where everyone else was. The moment I entered, they silenced themselves and stared at me. Minho was the first to make a move. Taking off his sweater, he headed towards me and handed it to me, instead of throwing it like he did last time. Gratefully, I took the sweater and put it on. Jeongin patted the empty spot next to him on the floor for me. There, I sat beside him and Woojin. They all sat silently, waiting for me to tell them what I had to say.


I'm posting two today! Cause why not? The next chapter is sad ;-;

BTW, I have a graphics contest book out! (my third one) you can find it on my profile!

See you in the next chapter!

Update 5/22/2020: Since I have so many people supporting my book (THANK YOU) I will be doing the shout outs in chapters that came before when the shout outs started. Thank you <3

Thank you to fshmagic for supporting my book!

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