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Jisung POV

"Yah!" I heard a girl yell as we headed to the cafeteria. As Felix and I got closer, we saw a crowd forming around some commotion. Some people had phones out and were filming the scene. Felix and I were still a ways away from the commotion but it was very clear that something was going on from where we were. Felix grabbed my hand as I was about to keep going, he told me to stay back, it probably would not end well if we got closer.

"What are you guys waiting around here for?" Seungmin and Hyunjin came up to us.

"There's something going on... we shouldn't interfere." Felix explained, showing them the crowd. After some time, all of the guys had appeared and we told them to stay back while we watched.

"You little-" The girl from before said aloud as she rose her hands to grab someone's hair. Shocked, I watched the fight continued. Why was no one stopping this?

"Hey! Stay away from her!" I heard another voice and saw some movement as a girl went to try and get the girl away from the other.

"Wait a second..." I looked to Chan who was beside me. "That sounds like..." I watched as Chan's eyes widened. He took off to the crowd, Woojin following to hold him back. I ran there as well, the others following us.

"Chan, don't go in." Woojin was reasoning with him. "They both don't want us involved with these things remember? We promised each other that we wouldn't get involved."

"But she's gonna get hurt!" He struggled against Woojin holding him back.

I was about to go in myself but Minho grabbed me. "You heard what Woojin said. Don't."

Eventually, both Chan and I eased and stopped fighting against their grips, but were still worried nonetheless. The crowd did eventually let up a little, letting us see who was in the center of it all. Areum's hair was being grabbed at by some girl in her grade, I would assume. Areum was being pushed up against a pillar that was in the cafeteria while Haneul was grabbing at the girl's hands to pull her away. With every tug from Haneul, the girl's grip got stronger on Areum.

Another girl walked out from the crowd, the part of it that seemed to be the girl's possy, and grabbed at Haneul's hands and threw them off of that other girl. She pushed Haneul away, causing her to trip and fall hard on the ground.

"Yah!" Areum finally spoke up. "It's one thing to mess with me, it's another to mess with my friends." Areum's hands made their way to the girl's hair, grabbing at it as well, causing yelps to come from the girl. "Kyunghee, make your friend stop hurting Haneul!"

Kyunghee looked at her friend. "Minjun, stop it." Minjun stepped away from Haneul, who was now curled up on the ground. Areum let go of Kyunghee's hair but let Kyunghee pull on her hair. "Idiot." Kyunghee said as she pulled harder on Areum's hair and shaking her before throwing her harshly on the ground.

Areum fell, her hand touched her head where her hair had been tugged at. She looked up at Kyunghee, glaring. Before she could get up and face the girl, another girl that I recognized, Seohyun, went to her and kicked her in the stomach, causing her to contract and stay on the ground. Minjun went back to Haneul and kicked her back, causing a yelp to come from Haneul as she was in enough pain already.

I felt my blood boil as I watched the scene. "Guys, this is going too far." I said. "I can't just stand here and watch."

"She'll get mad at us, Jisung." Hyunjin sighed. "But I can't stand it either." I watched as Hyunjin walked through the crowd.

Kyunghee was just about to throw a punch at Areum, before she could, he grabbed her arm. Minjun and Seohyun had not noticed Hyunjin in the scene and they both were ganging up on Haneul who was shielding herself. I walked in and grabbed Seohyun's arm, causing her to turn. Looking beside me, I realized that Chan had grabbed Minjun and pushed her aside. On the ground, Minjun was looking up at Chan, rubbing her back which had hit the ground. I pushed Seohyun away, not as harshly as Chan had pushed Minjun.

"Guys... we told you not to get involved." Haneul spoke softly as she clutched the side of her face.

"Hush." Chan said as he helped her up. "We had to, we couldn't just stand there and watch." We helped Haneul stand and turned towards Areum. Hyunjin was still standing in front of Kyunghee who would not dare hit Hyunjin, she remained there, trying to keep her pride. Behind Hyunjin, I saw Jeongin by Areum's side with Woojin there as well.

Minho eventually came towards Areum and put out a hand to her. Hyunjin looked back, sparing a glance before glaring back at Kyunghee. Areum took Minho's hand and stood, dusting off her skirt while Minho took off his zip up hoodie and wrapped it around Areum's waist to cover her legs which were covered in new bruises.

I looked back to Haneul. She was now being held by Chan. He handled her like a frail flower. Haneul looked up to me, she looked pleadingly at me. I cracked a small grin as I saw what she was pleading about. She was suffering from Chan babying her and wanted to be out of it. Shaking my head slightly, I walked over to them, telling Chan that that was enough.

It took some time, but Kyunghee and her two friends left us, along with the rest of the crowd, leaving it to be us boys, Haneul and Areum. Changbin was by Areum's side and she was inching her way behind him. No one really seemed to notice Areum fading out of the conversation other than Changbin and me. He and I made eye contact and I flicked my eyes to her before returning my gaze to him. He gave me a look, as if saying don't worry, I'll talk with her. Giving a curt nod, I returned my attention to Haneul.

"How did this even happen?" Seungmin asked.

"They're just bullies. We didn't do anything." Haneul shrugged. "They went out for Areum and I got involved as always."

"How come you're allowed to be involved and we aren't?" Jeongin pouted slightly.

"Just because." Haneul shrugged. "You needn't worry about it, kid."

"You know we worry anyways." Woojin stated. "We care."

"Yeah... yeah." Haneul rubbed the nape of her neck. "We know..." She looked at me before turning away.

I could not help but feel upset. She was hiding something. I could tell, but I just had no idea what it was. It was as if she wanted to tell us. As if it was something that bothered her enough to make her want to tell us, but she could not. But why?


Sorry that these posts aren't so regular anymore, I've been stressed. I hope you're okay with it if I post when I feel like it. I will try and post once a week though. I'll post a few chapters today because of my inactivity.

Thank you to: BiancaQuiring for commenting and supporting the book!

Astronaut??? I love. Tell me what you think of it!

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