•2~ The Meeting•

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After telling Akira how you joined the CCG, she was left in shock, and her mouth like an 'o' shape.
"See, I told you." You muttered, turning away from her and grabbing papers.

After a few minutes, Akira suddenly asked, "Wait, what are you doing?"
"I have a meeting with Investigator Suzuya, and Sir Arima." You replied bluntly, placing all of the papers into a folder.

Akira nodded and stood up. "I'll leave now. Good luck."
You nodded as she walked to your door.
Before stepping out, you thought you heard her whisper a small, "Arigato..."
("Thank you...")

You shook the thought away, and proceeded to prepare for your meeting.

|Time skip|

After gathering all of your papers and documents, you rushed off to your meeting.
Finally, you arrived at the hall, pushing open the big doors and walking inside.

"Y/n- Chan!~" You heard a familiar high pitched voice beam.
You spun around to see a small, black haired male with stitches, and blood red eyes running over to you, with a big smile plastered on his face.
"Hey, Juuzou!" You beamed, quickly returning the warm smile.

The small boy came closer and threw his arms around you, making you giggle and hug him back.
"I missed you!" Juuzou said, refering to all of the meetings you missed.
You giggled nervously as he took his arms off of you.

"Investigator L/n." A low voice spoke up.
You gulped and looked to your left to see your boss, Kishou Arima.
"S-sir." You stuttered, bowing as he came closer.
He nodded in appreciation as you slowly stood up straight.

"What is this meeting about?" You asked, clutching onto your case files.
"You'll see." Arima replied, turning around and walking over to what looked like a big desk, with chairs.

You and Juuzou followed.
"Sir, isn't there supposed to be other investigators here?" Juuzou asked, his eyes wandering up to the ceiling.
Arima sat down and layed various papers and documents out on the table.

You and Juuzou sat down, waiting for your boss to speak.
"I've just got you two here this evening, because I'd like to talk to you both about an important case." Arima stated, pushing his glasses up.

"And that important case is?" You questioned, staring down at all of the random documents.
"There are some... Ghouls that we've been asked to hunt down." Arima said, looking directly over at you.

You gulped and nodded, your heart beating fast in your chest.
"Ooooo~ sounds like fun!" Juuzou beamed, laying back in his chair.
You glanced at him before looking back over at your boss.
"What ghouls?" You asked.

Arima didn't answer, but he pushed a piece of paper over to you.
You reached over and took it with shaky hands.
Looking down at the page, your eyes widened.

You wanted to say something, but you forced your mouth shut as you continued to stare at the page with a shocked expression.

It said,

Eradicate eyepatch, serpent, rabbit and any other ghouls... But they are our three main three.

You were guessing it was a message given to Arima, because it wasn't very formal.


Your once fiends?


Your once lover?

You blinked as juuzou asked, "Is everything okay, Y/n?"

You quickly flashed him a small smile before placing the paper back on the table and replying, "Y-yes."
"Really? You don't look it." Juuzou said, not convinced.

You stood up and whispered, "Please may I be excused?"
Arima nodded, and you took no time to rush out of the room.

"I-i.... Can't kill them." You whispered to yourself, tears filling up in your eyes as you walked to your office.

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