•24~ Mistake...•

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"You need a huge a** wedding dress." Touka said with a sigh, slumping on her small sofa.

"I don't want a big one," You argued, "Just big enough to fit me."

"Hm... I know a wedding shop down the road." Irimi informed, tapping her chin lightly.

"Really? Where?" You asked, intrigued to know.

"Not far from here." Irimi said, slightly confused with your question.

You rolled your eyes, "I know that, but where?"

Irimi looked at you. "I'm not sure what road."

"You need loads of makeup." (Friend's name) informed.

"Why?" You asked.

"To cover up that..." (Friend's name) started, debating weather or not to say the rest.

"Cover up...?" You encouraged your best friend to carry on.

"That scar... On your right eye..." (Friend's name) said with hesitation.

Your eyes widened slightly as your hand moved up to your right eye, lightly brushing your fingertip over the white scar that was left on your face from over a year ago.

"I actually forgot about that..." You whispered, brining your hand back down.

"Oh, I'm so sorry-" (Friend's name) started, but you quickly cut her off,

"It's fine, don't worry. I'm actually glad you told me actually."

"Glad?" Irimi questioned, turning to face you two.

"Yes, glad," You said with a small smile on your face, "If she hadn't of told me, on the wedding day, I would've had a massive scar across my eye."

"Come on, let's get going." Touka said, shoving her shoes on again.

You raised an eyebrow and looked over at the dark purple haired ghoul.

"Where?" You asked her.

"To get your dress, duh." Touka sighed, rolling her eyes.

You started to panic, "H-hey, wait! What if I don't like anything there, or it's too expensive, or, or-" Irimi then cut you off by quickly placing her hand over your open mouth.

"Calm down, Y/n." She said with a smile.

When she finally let go, you breathed in and nodded. "O-okay, thanks Irimi-San."

"Anytime." The black haired ghoul said.

"Can we go now?" Touka groaned, clicking her tounge.

This made you bite your tounge in frustration. You crosses your arms over your chest and spat, "What the hell is wrong with you today?"

Touka turned to you.


"Yes you." You said, glaring daggers at her.

This made her glare daggers at you. "What do you mean?"

"You've been acting like you hate us!" You screamed.

This made Touka's eyes widen in shock.

(Friend's name) and Irimi decided to walk out of the room to give you two some time to talk. Well, knowing you both... More like shout.

"WELL I'M SORRY!" Touka yelled, clenching her fists.

"YOU SHOULD BE!" You shouted, digging your nails into the palm of your hands.


You scoffed and shook your head. "No... You may always be stubborn, but I know you. This is like... Next level."

"IT'S NOT!!!!!" Touka screamed, her beautiful red and orange wings shooting out from her back.

You gasped as you watched her kagune turn into flames.

"Don't make me kill you." Touka warned, glaring at you.

You gulped, "T-touka... Please don't... I'm about to get married soon. You don't need to do this. It was my fault."

"Exactly, it was your fault. So if you keep making mistakes, why are you still here?"

You tried to stop your kagune from activating. "What do you mean 'why are you still here?'"

"I MEANT WHAT I SAID!!!!" Touka yelled, her kagune crystallising as it immediately shot lots of small, sharp, red shards in your direction.

Gasping, you swiftly dodged them as if it was nothing.

Touka gritted her teeth and walked closer to you.

"Touka, we don't need to do this." You pleaded, but she ignored it and continued to walk over to you, kagune now flaming in rage, just like she was.

Was she going to kill you all because of you asking a simple question? You didn't think she'd go this far.

"Shut up." Touka warned.

You glared at her, a familiar aching coming from your lower back.

"THAT IS ENOUGH!!!!" You heard a female shout.

You and Touka immediately snapped your heads towards where you heard the voice.

There, stood in the doorway, was Irimi, a furious look on her face, which was very rare.

"You two need a break from eachother now." Irimi said firmly, "Y/n, come here."

You did as your friend said; you walked over to her, your head down and your hair falling in front of your upset and guilty face.

"I think you should go home for now." Irimi suggested, her face changing into a sincere look.

"That I will do." You muttered before walking past her.

Before you even got near the door, you felt two pairs of warm arms being flung around your shoulders.

"Ah!" You gasped in surprise.

That's when you sighed as you heard a familiar laugh.

"(Friend's name!) You scared me!" You shouted as she let go of you.

"I'm glad~" She grinned.

"Sorry about what happened..." You said sadly.

"Hey, it's okay. I don't understand what goes on in your minds, but I hope you two sort it out. Just go home, get some rest, clear your head; and hopefully we can do this maybe tomorrow or another day." (Friend's name) exclaimed, looking into your eyes the whole time.

"Thanks, (Friends name)." You smiled.

"I'm here whenever you need me." She smiled as you nodded and turned around to face Touka's door.

"See you soon, again, I'm sorry." You whispered before pushing the handle down.

(Friend's name) just smiled and waved at you, "IT'S OKAY, BYEEEEEE~"

You grinned and shut the door with a deep and sad sigh before slowly turning away and walking down the street.

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