•40~ Tsukiyama's obsession...•

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"Their wedding...?" Tooru barely whispered, blue eyes now wide with shock.

Even Urie had wide eyes and a shocked expression.

"I didn't think we'd get invited..." Shirazu said, mouth still open slightly.

Saiko looked down at the paper before waddling over to the table before putting the paper down.

"Can we go...?" She asked.

"But it's Y/n and Kaneki." Urie said, eyes now narrowing.

"So?" Shirazu shot Urie a glare.

"They are-" Urie started, but Shirazu cut him off,

"If you say they are ghouls, think again. We're technically ghouls as well."

There was silence in the living room for a few minutes.

"I don't see why we can't go. If we don't tell anyone..." Tooru stated.

"But don't we have work?" Urie asked.

"What's the date?" Saiko asked, and so, Shirazu told her when it was.

"We can go." The green haired female said with a small smile.

"But won't we get told off?" Saiko asked.

"We got invited. They can't stop us." Shirazu exclaimed.

Urie managed to heave a sigh. "Okay... We can go..."

His three colleagues celebrated with claps and cheers.

"I still can't believe she's getting married..." Saiko said, pretending to wipe a tear away from her eye.

"Neither can I... I'm so happy for them~" Tooru chimed, grinning.

"One thing..." Urie remembered.

"For god's sake, Urie. Don't bring down the mood." Shirazu grumbled in annoyance.

Urie shot him a glare before asking, "How will we get there?"

Saiko groaned, "We sneak out, dummy."

"We might get caught!" Tooru suddenly panicked, "Oh god, what if we get fired!?"

Urie was quick to calm her down. "Don't worry, we won't get caught or fired."

Tooru walked over to Urie and sat down next to him, making the ravenette go quiet.

Shirazu and Saiko smirked at Urie, making him glare at the two immature ghouls.

"Well that's settled then." Shirazu smiled, making the other three nod.



"Oh Kaneki-kun~"

"Please leave me alone Tsukiyama..."

Currently, in Tsukiyama's mansion, the purple haired ghoul was obsessed with making Kaneki perfect in preparation for his very special occasion.

"Try this one on!" Tsukiyama said, holding a smart black suit in front of Kaneki.

"Argh, Tsukiyama... I've already chosen a suit." The white haired ghoul groaned. It was easy to tell that he was beyond annoyed.

"Oh my dear Kaneki-" Tsukiyama started, but Kaneki cut him off immediately.

"Don't call me that." He practically growled.

Tsukiyama glared at Kaneki before sighing, "So not this suit...?"

Kaneki inhaled and exhaled calmly.

"Tsukiyama... Give me a rest. We've been non-stop trying suits on for days!" Kaneki shouted.

"But we must make sure that your perfect! You need to look amazing!" Tsukiyama said happily.

"I don't really care what I look like. I don't need to look amazing." Kaneki informed.

"Sorry dear, you do." Tsukiyama said with a pout.

Kaneki shoved the purple haired male away from him.

"Leave me alone please." Kaneki muttered before making his way towards the spare bedroom that he had been staying in for the past few days.


Once in, he decided to call the love of his life.

He grabbed his phone from the beside table and clicked on her contact.


~Call accepted~


"oh, hello, Y/n- Chan~"

"Hi kaneki."

"I have missed you so much..."

"I have missed you too, Ken..."

"Please tell me your having a better time than I am..."

"*chuckle* is it really that bad?"

"yes, Y/n... It's is."

"Aw, poor you~"

"... Thanks for the support."

"You don't need support. You can deal with it by yourself... Is he really that bad?"


"sorry, your on your own."

".... Love you too."

"haha. Okay, I need to go now Kaneki. I'll talk to you soon. I love you, bye~"

"i love you too, Y/n. Bye."

~Call declined~


I'm sorry I've been away and forgot to tell any of you. I'm not really 'back' it's just I'm on here for a bit. I will be back soon, so don't worry. Be expecting more updates!

Yeah, I know this chapter was boring and short. It was kind of a filler chapter.

Anyway, thanks for reading.

(Chapter picture will be on soon.)


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