•25~ Can we start again?•

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|The next day|

Smiling to yourself, you felt the warm rays of sunshine lay on your face gently, warming you up. After what happened yesterday, you arrived at home and went straight to sleep, in attempt to get your horrible thoughts away.

You really didn't know what was wrong with Touka, but you hoped whatever it was, she was okay.

Stretching your limbs, you slowly opened your eyes and sat up.

It was then your stomach grumbled, making you gasp in shock.

What? Already? I just ate yesterday... You thought, lifting an eyebrow in pure confusion.

You decided to ignore your stomach, so you reached for your phone that was on the bedside table beside you.

Once you turned it on, you saw a familiar name flash up on the screen.

It was a message.

Smiling to yourself, you opened it up.

Kaneki ❤️:
Morning, Y/n. 💕

Sent 10 minutes ago.

Y/n ❤️:
Morning Ken. X

Sent just now.

Kaneki ❤️:
Wow, took you long
Enough to respond.

Sent just now.

Y/n ❤️:
Excuse me, I needed my
Beauty sleep.

Sent just now.

Kaneki ❤️:
But you are already

Sent just now.

Y/n ❤️:
Ugh, shut up.

Sent just now.

Kaneki ❤️:
Someone's angry.

Sent just now.

Y/n ❤️:
Leave me alone.

Sent just now.

Kaneki ❤️:

Sent just now.

Y/n ❤️:
Awe, thank you.

Sent just now.

Kaneki ❤️:

Sent just now.

Y/n ❤️:
Love you too.

Sent just now.

Kaneki ❤️:
Leave me alone."
Ring any bells? 😒

Sent just now.

Y/n ❤️:
I hate you.

𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | 𝐤.𝐤 ✓Where stories live. Discover now