•13~ Anteiku all over again•

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A/N: Before I begin, I'd just like to say that I'm thinking of making my chapters more longer. I hope that none of you find them boring, and if so, I apologize. Thank you for reading this far, and I hope that you are enjoying this story. I have a great ending in mind, so I hope you'll carry on reading and not loose interest. Thank you all. ❤️
After finishing the flesh that Kaneki gave you, you were relieved that your regeneration process has finally started.

You watched as your stomach started to regenerate, as well as your right leg.

Glancing over at Arima, you could see that he had obviously been hurt, which surprised you.

Arima? Hurt?

Kaneki had his Rinkakus out in front of him, ready to attack.
Touka was hovering slightly over Arima from behind, currently crystallising her kagune to shoot shards.
Nishiki had his Bikaku kagune to the side of him, waiting for Arima's next move.

Could you go and fight?

You attempted to slowly stand up, staggering in the process. Your breath hitched in your throat as you leaned on the wall with your arm, trying to catch your balance.

After you finally got some feeling back in your right leg, you begun to walk over to Arima.

You walked quietly, so you could maybe do a surprise attack from behind.

You swiftly activated your kagune and kaguguan, unravelling your Rinkakus.
(Please tell me if I've spelt 'kaguguan' wrong. I have a feeling I have been for a while... 😶😭😅.)

As you came closer to him, you were surprised when he spun around, swinging his quinque at you once again.

You gasped and leaped over it, landing on your feet afterwards.

"I see that you've regenerated, G/n. You regenerate quickly, I must admit."
Arima said, gripping onto his quinque.

You nodded, "Glad you noticed."

"I have also noticed that your friends have come to help you." Arima said, staring at you dead in the eye.

You looked around at all of your friends.

"Yeah..." You whispered.

"It's a shame really, because they are all going to die. Especially the man you love the most." Arima said with a sly smile.

Your eyes widened. How dare he.

Kaneki looked quite shocked as well.

"No, don't kill him. Kill me... If it means he'll stay alive." You said, closing your eyes.

"What are you doing!?" Touka and Nishiki hissed, their eyes darting towards you.

You glanced at them before returning your glance back to the white haired CCG investigator.

"But I'm planning to kill all of you." Arima said.

You gritted your teeth and shot your kagune at him, aiming for his stomach.

Arima chopped off one of your Rinkakus with his quinque. Your legs gave way as your kagune begun to crumble.

I'm so weak... You thought, your kagune now turning into dust and fading away.

Your kaguguan was still activated, blazing red and black in pure anger.

Arima laughed and looked down at you. "What are you going to do, Y/n? Do you remember any of your training at all?"

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