•22~ Tsukiyama•

589 18 4

Touka frowned and placed her phone down on the table.

"So...?" Koma started, breaking akward silence that lurked throughout the closed coffee shop.

"He's on his way." The purple haired ghoul replied with a sigh, her hand landing on the counter in front of her.

You groaned and slouched over slightly, "Does he have to come?"

"The more, the merrier." Irimi joked.

"But he doesn't make it merry." Hide finally spoke up.

"That's true." Kaneki mumbled, eventually letting go of you.

You decided to take the opportunity to sit up straight on your stool.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he randomly starts speaking French." Nishiki commented.

"Uhm... Who's Tsukiyama?" (Friend's name) asked, scratching the back of her head in embarrassment.

"Trust me, you don't wanna know..." You mumbled and smiled at her.

She gulped, "Will he eat me?"

"Possibly." You laughed.

"Yah, Y/n! Don't scare me like that!" (Friend's name) yelled, getting up off her seat only to walk over to you and slap you on your arm.

You giggled and rubbed it, "Hey. That hurt."

"Ha, you for hurt by a human~" (Friends name) teased, sticking her tounge out before walking back to her seat.

Hide smiled at her, causing the h/c haired girl to blush slightly.

You could definitely see that the two were taking a liking in eachother, but decided to stay quiet.

"Oh dear..." Touka murmerd.

"What is it?" Kaneki asked, his head moving up to Touka.

"He's here." Touka hissed.

"Oh god..." You sighed, face palming.

Everyone looked towards the small door in uncertainty and disbelief.

That's when it swung open, the small golden bell above it jingling as it opened with a flurry and closed with a bang.

"Hello, lovelies~" The fabulous ghoul sang, smiling as he bowed down gracefully.

"Shut up and get over here." Touka spat.

"Now now, Touka. No need to be so rude." Tsukiyama smirked, walking over to you all.

You gulped as he locked eyes with you.

He smirked and walked over to you, reaching out to grab your chin gently.

You flinched in disgust as he licked his lips.

"You smell even more better than before, lovely Y/n~" He whispered, sniffing your neck as he let go of your chin and placed his cold finger tips on the other side of your neck.

You felt REALLY uncomfortable.

Especially when everyone was looking at you.

"Tsukiyama-San. Get off of her." Your fiance's voice said firmly, making you thank the lord's.

The purple haired man smirked one last time and finally let go of you, making you sigh in relief.

"Dear Kaneki..." Tsukiyama said with a sadistic smile.

"Don't you even think about it." Kaneki's ice cold voice came out of his mouth, making your heart flutter. You loved it whenever he used that voice.

Tsukiyama sighed then turned back around.

Digging your nails into the palms of your hand, you slowly watched as he walked over to (Friends name.)

"Well well... This is a new face... And a new smell~" He uttered, his tounge travelling across his bottom lip.

"P-please leave me alone..." (Friend's name) whimpered as the tall ghoul towered over her in an instant.

"TSUKIYAMA, FOR GOD'S SAKE. LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE!!!!!!" Touka screamed at the top of her voice, making everyone jump in shock.

You jumped so much, that you almost fell off of your chair, but you didn't, because a pair of warm, strong arms were quick to wrap their way around your waist and haul you back onto the stool that you were sitting on.

You blushed as Kaneki leaned his head on your shoulder, kissing your neck lightly.

"A-arigato..." You mumbled. (Thank you.)

Kaneki smiled, "Your welcome, dear."

Tsukiyama clicked his tounge, "Touka dear. Your no fun."

"Now is not the time to have fun." She said calmly, looking over at the gourmet.

"So. Why did you call me here?" Tsukiyama asked, running a hand through his perfect purple hair.

"We were going to tell you, but you just went around sniffing people like an idiot." Nishiki mumbled, annoyed.

Tsukiyama chuckled, "I'm so sorry. Continue."

"We called you here because..." You started.

Kaneki finished it, "Me and Y/n are getting married."

You could see on his face that jealousy was written all over it.

"What?" Tsukiyama asked.

Kaneki frowned, "Didn't you hear? Me and Y/n are getting married."

Tsukiyama's frown then turned into a smile, although you thought it was fake.

"Congratulations~" He said, clasping his hands together.

"Thank you~" You and Kaneki said in sync, smiling at eachother.

A/N: I'm so sorry for the short chapter. I'll try and make them longer.

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