•44~ A new beginning•

493 14 5

I'm sorry for the time skip.


|A week later...|

Smiling to yourself, you looked down at the words that flashed on the screen.


At this moment in time, you were so happy. Tears of joy and happiness filled your eyes at the thought of being a mother. It all seemed like a distant dream that would've never been able to come true.

I will protect you at all costs, my little one... You thought, gently patting your stomach. For some reason, this made you think of your parents, and how they protected you that one night down the alleyway.

Even if it means giving my life away so that you can have a better one... Then so be it... You thought with a smile as you still sat on the bathroom floor.

But then another thought just occured to you. Oh... How would I be able to tell Kaneki?

You couldn't just exactly go up to him and say, "Hey, guess what? I'm pregnant."

Shaking your head, you stood up and decided to hide the pregnancy test incase he got suspicious. You weren't planning on telling him today, well, that's what you thought.

At the moment, Kaneki was at work. You said that you weren't feeling great, so Yoshimura said that you could have the day off.

Of course, Kaneki was concerned for you, but you just told him not to worry and brushed it off.

Now you knew the reason why.

Sighing softly, you leaned your head back against the wall and slowly stood up. You had no experience being pregnant, so you didn't know what to do or expect, but oh well. You were going to give it your all in order for your child to have the best life she deserves.

Groaning, you slowly walked out of your bathroom and downstairs, mentally debating weather or not you should invite some friends over and slowly but surely tell them.

Ugh, why not? They'll end up finding out anyway. And they'd be mad at me if I didn't tell them sooner... You thought, finally reaching your living room.

Once sat down, you grabbed your phone and clicked onto your contacts before calling someone.


~Call accepted~


"Oh, thank god you picked up, (Friends name.)"

"Well duh, I'm like always on my phone. It's surgically attached. *Laughs* anyway, what did you want?"

"*Chuckle* could you tell Touka and Irimi to come over please, along with you. I need to tell you all something."

"Ugh, about time! I haven't seen you in like weeks! Oh yeah! How was that holiday-"

You cut her off quickly before she went on rambling.

"(Friend's name), just shut up and come over. I'll tell you everything then. The thing I need to tell you is really important."

"Okay, I'm wasting no time at all getting my a** over there then. See ya Y/n~"

"*Sigh* bye~"

~Call declined...~

You chuckled to yourself and put your phone down, resting your head on the back of the sofa in attempt to get at least some sleep before your apartment became hectic.

|Time skip|

You immediately woke up to the sound of loud bashing at your door. Panicking, you quickly got up from the sofa and rushed to your front door, reaching out in front of you to grab onto the handle and swing it open.

There, stood (Friends name), Irimi and Touka, all with intrigued looks on their faces.

"Sooooo, what's the gossip?" (Friends name) said, shoving past you to walk into your house.

Oh, just make yourself welcome then? You thought, rolling your eyes as you beckoned Touka and Irimi to come in. They chuckled and did so, making you close the door behind you.

"Come in here." You said, walking into the living room. The two ghouls and one human followed.

Touka and Irimi sat down in two arm chairs, as your best friend sat down right next to you on your big sofa that you owned.

"So, what did you want to tell us, Y/n?" Irimi asked, a smile on her lips.

The purple haired ghoul in the chair next to her groaned, "Better make it quick. We gotta go back to work."

Your eyes widened. "You came out of work just to talk to me?"

"I mean, were not complaining." Irimi chuckled, making Touka laugh lightly.

(Friend's name) admitted, "I may have forcefully dragged them out of :Re..."

This made you sigh and turn to your friend, "Really, (Friend's name?)"

She put her hands up in fake surrender, "I'm sorry! Spare my life!"

You chuckled, "Nah, I'll rip your organs out and have them as my meal~"

This made her face go pale, and her smile turn into a scared frown.

You knitted your eyebrows together. "I'm joking, you know?"

"Yeah, but you still scare me when you talk like that." She muttered.

You groaned, "Which is not often."

"Come onnnnn~ tell us what you wanted to say!!!!" Touka whined, clearly impatient.

You bit your lip and turned your attention towards her, "Oh okay... Right..."

All three of your friends leaned forward in their chairs, intrigued about what you were going to say next.

You breathed in and muttered quietly,

"I'm pregnant..."



sorry for the short chapter. I hope it wasn't too bad. ._.

𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | 𝐤.𝐤 ✓Where stories live. Discover now