•5~ Shattered hearts•

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{Kaneki's POV}

It was quite busy at :Re today, and we were all working hard.
After Anteiku unfortunately got burned down to the ground, we all decided to build a new coffee shop, since Anteiku was like a home to us.

Yoshimura declared that we called the new coffee shop ':Re'. We all seemed to agree on the idea, and so, that's what we called it.
:Re had been open for about one month, maybe longer, and we were getting so many customers, which was different.

It would be easier if we had one extra person here...

It was then my mind wandered off to the love of my life again...

Y/n, where was she?

It's been a year and a half since we've seen her, and every day, I have thought about her.

She broke her promise...

She promised me that we'd love together and have a good life, and maybe have children in the future...

But she left us...

She chose to join our enemy.

She chose to kill her own kind.

She chose it!

My mind went back to the day she was dragged out of Anteiku...


I stared at my love life, tears rapidly spilling out of my eyes. Why would she do this?
Well, it seemed like the only option, I guess.

She screamed in pain and reached out to me, in attempt to grab me.
Maybe I could've saved her...
As I stretched my arm out towards her, it was too late...

I heard her painful, yet beautiful voice for the last time, before she was dragged out of the coffee shop.
I didn't know what to do...
My emotions were messed up...
Was it my fault?
Was it her fault?

My heart felt as if it had been shattered into a million pieces...

Would I ever see her again? If so, what would I do?

But I knew the question was stupid.

Only fate will maybe make us cross paths...

{End of flashback}

It was then I heard my name being called repeatedly, making me snap back into reality.
The voice that was calling my name sounded sweet and cheerful.

I smiled, knowing who it was.

Looking down, I saw a cute, brown haired and brown eyed girl, tugging onto the bottom of my work shirt, with a smile spread across her small face.

"Onii-Chan, Onii-Chan, Onii-Chan, Onii-Chan~" Hinami chanted, continuing to tug on me.
I sighed with a smile and patted her head, making her let go of me.

"Yay! You finally answered me!" She beamed, closing her eyes.
I laughed and said, "Yeah... I'm sorry about that, Hina. What did you want?"

Hinami looked up at me, her small smile fading away, making my stomach flip over. What was wrong?
"H-hina...?" I stuttered as she glared at me dead in the eyes.

"What's wrong?" She finally asked.
My eyes grew wide as I chuckled and lied, "Nothing."
"Kaneki-kun... I know when something's wrong, and, just so you know, I also know when someone is lying." Hinami informed, closing her eyes and waving her finger at my face.

I sighed and nodded." Okay... I'm just a bit upset."
"Is it Y/n?" Hinami asked, opening her eyes, that now held guilt and sadness.
I waited for a moment, before pulling her into a tight hug.
Hinami giggled and hugged me back, as I patted her brown hair.

"Y-yes, I was thinking of her... But you don't need to worry, Hina." I said, patting her head.
Hinami nodded and pushed herself off of me." Okay..."
"Go and see Touka-Chan or something." I stated, waving her away, because I still had work to do.

She pouted but nodded, giggling and running off to find someone else to bother.
I ran a hand through my white locks and sighed, bringing it back down.

"Oi, eyepatch. Get here now." I heard someone grumble.
I quickly turned around at the name they gave me, "Hey! Not that name!" I shouted, starting to panic as I frantically looked around.
Luckily, all of the customers seemed reasonably happy and impressed.

Nishiki laughed and said, "Sorry."
I clicked my tounge and walked over to him, looking into his eyes.
"Yes, Nishiki-San?"
Nishiki looked at me and said, "Stop daydreaming and get to work."

I glared at him and replied, "Since when were you the boss of me?"
Nishiki had an amused smile on his lips and he said, "Since now."
"Well, your not. So I suggest you keep that mouth of yours shut, before I stitch it up." I said, venom dripping in my tone.

Nishiki chuckled and pushed his glasses up his nose, "You wouldn't really."
"I would." I spat, my grey eyes like daggers.
Nishiki put his hands up in fake surrender." Oh no!"
I shot him a look before saying, "Leave me alone..."

He looked at me curiously as I looked down, my white bangs covering my eyes, that now had tears threating to spill.
"Hey kid, you okay?" He asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.
I shook it off and walked away from him, my eyes still down.

Oh, Y/n... I thought, what have you done to me? I love you too much to let you go...

Oh Kaneki-kun... What have you done to me? I love you too much to let you go...

𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | 𝐤.𝐤 ✓Where stories live. Discover now