•39~ Surprise•

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A/N: Sorry about the wait. I have been REALLY busy and stressed. Thank you for waiting. :)



Urie was the first Quinx squad member to wake up. It was eight in the morning. Urie was usually the first to wake up, as he believed that if you woke up early, you could get most of the work done before you actually start the day.

Groaning, the ravenette draped his heavy legs over the side of the bed and rubbed his eyes that were still droopy.

After getting used to the darkness of his room, he slowly stood up and stretched his joints, before running a hand through his raven-coloured hair.

Once he was kind of awake, the squad leader grabbed his door handle, shivering slightly at the coldness of the rusty metal.

After opening the door, he stepped out and closed the door quietly behind him.

Urie always had to be quiet in case he woke the other three up. He was more considerate towards Tooru, because, well... He liked her. But of course, he'd never admit that.

Urie tiptoed past Saiko and Tooru's bedroom's before slowly walking past Shirazu's room.

The ghoul cursed under his breath as he heard a groan and shuffling coming from Shirazu's bedroom.

And he was right.

Shirazu soon came out of his room, looking unimpressed.

The ginger haired ghoul glared at the ravenette.

"You woke me up, you a**." Shirazu grumbled, voice still raspy from waking up.

"It's not my fault you wake up easily." Urie spat back, shaking his head before carefully walking downstairs. The other ghoul followed, since he had nothing better to do.

"Go back to sleep if your really that tired." Urie said once the two were downstairs, raising his voice slightly because they were no longer upstairs.

"I can't," Shirazu started as the two walked into the living room, "You'd wake me up again, no doubt."

Urie shot the other a glare before sitting on the sofa whilst taking a crumpled newspaper in his hands.

Shirazu sat down on the other sofa, staring up at the ceiling, something he'd do if he was bored.

Shirazu then looked over at Urie, who was concentrated in reading the newspaper.

"What's on there?" The ginger haired ghoul asked out of interest.

Urie didn't reply for a few minutes, but then said, "Come and look for yourself, you lazy a**."

Shirazu grumbled and stood up off the sofa before walking over to Urie.

Shirazu went behind the sofa to look over Urie's shoulder at the newspaper.

His eyes widened at the two names that were constantly appearing all over the paper. Still, after about two months?

The two names that were mostly mentioned were:

𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | 𝐤.𝐤 ✓Where stories live. Discover now