•35~ Preparation and drinks•

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"Well, what are you waiting for? Try it on!" You encouraged with a huge grin, making the purple haired ghoul groan in annoyance.

By now, all five of you had probably been in the shop for at least an hour and a half, and it was getting late.

Everyone else had tried their dresses on, saying that it fitted, but Touka? She wouldn't budge.

"For god's sake, Touka Kirishima. Hurry up so we can go." You said sternly, your gaze darkening.

However, the spiteful girl didn't move. "I won't." She said.

Rolling your eyes, you placed both of your hands on her back and muttered, "Looks like I'll have to do this the hard way." And with that, you forcefully pushed her into the changing rooms, making her groan and fidget, trying to get out of your grasp.

"Let me out!" She shouted, bashing on the door as you threw her dress over.

"Hurry up, then it will be over and done with. Besides, you only have to wear it once." You stated, crossing your arms over your chest as she finally begun to get changed.

"Tch," Was all that left her mouth as you waited patiently outside with the others for her.

When you could finally hear footsteps, you were amazed to see Touka, standing there in the dress, looking slightly embarrassed.

(Yes, it is a cosplay. Not me. But it was the closest I could find.)

You all stared at her in amazement.

"It looks beautiful on you~" Hinami chirped, making Touka blush.

"Thanks... Can I get changed now?" She asked, clearly uncomfortable.

You nodded, but just as she was about to turn away, you smiled at her and said, "Touka, it looks beautiful on you. It really does suit you."

She muttered something but nodded and walked away to get changed.

Now another thing was on your mind.

How on earth were you going to pay for all of the dresses?

"Y/n- Chan, is something wrong?" Irimi asked, noticing your perplexed expression.

You quickly snapped out of your thoughts and sighed, "Uh, no..."

"Now that's a lie." (Friend's name) interrupted, a sly grin on her face, making you furrow your brows once again.

"Fine, your right. How the heck am I going to pay for all of these dresses!?" You practically shouted, immediately closing your mouth after.

"Who said you were going to pay?" Irimi asked, now pulling Hinami onto her lap, who was patiently waiting for Touka to finish getting changed.

"Oh no. Don't you dare, Irimi-San. You are not paying. None of you are paying." You chuckled.

"But Y/n, that wouldn't be fair." Irimi argued.

"You don't need to pay." You said.

"Aw, come on~ it's nearly your wedding, let us treat you~" (Friend's name) pouted, her eyes trailing to yours.

"No." You said firmly.

"Guys, I'm ready." A familiar voice suddenly said.

You all looked up to see Touka, changed whilst holding her dress in one hand.

"Let's go pay!" Hinami cheered, running over to basically throw herself into Touka's arms.

"I will pay for everything... Somehow..." You muttered, standing up.

"How about we all put our money together? It would make more sense." (Friend's name) suggested.

Everyone including you exchanged glances before coming to an agreement. Why didn't you think of that before?

"That's a great idea." You said, chuckling whilst rubbing the nape of your neck.

"Let's go and pay then." Touka said, finally prying Hinami off of her.


After splitting the money between all of you and paying, (Friends name) said that you can all stay at her house for the night to celebrate.

Whilst walking down the dark streets of Tokyo, (Friend's name) piped up,

"Uh... Do you guys drink?"

You all snapped your heads towards her.

"Yes." You all said, except from Hinami.

"But... What?" (Friend's name) looked really confused, making you all chuckle.

"We don't have time to explain." Touka sighed, stuffing her hands into her coat pocket.

(Friend's name) just breathed in and brushed it off.

After arriving, she grabbed out her keys and put them in the door, twisting it to open the door.

Once the door was open, you all walked in and took of your coats and shoes before putting them away.

Touka shivered and closed the door.

"Sh**, it's cold out there." She whispered, rubbing her hands together before blowing into them.

You glared at her. "Hinami-Chan is here."

Her eyes widened. "Oh... Uhm..."

Hinami chuckled, "It's okay. Ayato-Kun swears all the time."

Touka just looked down at her feet and pulled a fake smile.

You glanced at her worriedly before looking at Hinami.

She gasped as she realised what she had just said. "Oh my. I'm so sorry..."

Touka shook her head and asked, "How... How is he?"

Hinami smiled and said, "Stubborn."

Touka chuckled. "He hasn't changed one bit then..."

(Friend's name) broke the conversation.

"So, uhm... Do you guys want a drink?" She asked.

You all looked at her and nodded.

"(Friend's name...)" Hinami said, shuffling her feet over to your best friend.

"Yes?" She asked, smiling as she gently patted the short, brown haired girl's head.

"Can I have some water?" She asked, staring hopefully up at the elder.

"Of course you can, Hina~" (Friend's name) said with a big smile.

"Come on then." Irimi chuckled.


Well, then what happened?

Let's just say you and your friends got completely...


And Hinami took photo's of you all passed out of various sofa's. She chuckled to herself. Who knows when she could need them?

I apologize for the short chapter.

(Just to let you know the pictures that I was ment to add have gone, so I'll get them soon.)

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