•23~ Time away•

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"Well, I can definitely help you~ you have called the right person~" Tsukiyama said, smiling creepily at you all.

"Great..." You muttered, quickly pulling a fake smile.

"But unfortunately... It means that you two love birds will have to say goodbye to eachother." Tsukiyama informed with a small frown.

"What?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.

Tsukiyama chuckled, "Don't you know, dear Y/n...? If you are getting married, you have to spend some time apart before the wedding."

You suddenly nodded your head, "Ah, yes."

"Well then, say goodbye." Tsukiyama said.

You blushed as Kaneki suddenly pressed a kiss onto the top of your head.

"I will see you soon, my love." Kaneki said with a smile. "Text me."

You nodded and smiled up at him as he enveloped your hands in his warm ones.

"See you soon. And I will text you." You replied.

"Come on then." Touka said, signalling for you and the rest of the girls to get going.

They all nodded, including you and stood up from their seats.

"Don't be unorganized." Irimi stated with a chuckle.

"Aish, we will try not to be." Nishiki replied with a frown.

You smiled at Kaneki one last time before being shoved out of the small coffee shop.

Once out, you looked at all of your friends, confused when Touka grabbed your arm and begun pulling you across the street.

"So, uhm... Where are we going?" You asked, your eyes darting around the streets of Tokyo.

"We are all going to my house." Touka informed you, still clinging onto your arm.

"Why?" You questioned.

"Do you want to get married or not?" Touka asked sarcastically, making you roll your eyes at her silly manner.

"Yeah~ let's celebrate." (Friend's name) said with a grin.

"Wait... You guys can't drink..." She then said with a frown.

"It depends what it is." Irimi said, smiling brightly.

"Well... What can you drink?"

"(Friend's name)," You said with a small sigh, "Didn't you work at the CCG?"

The h/c girl slightly glared at you, "Y-yes... But being a nurse was a new job. Plus... They didn't teach me about things like that."

You smiled over your shoulder as Touka finally let go of your arm.

"Come on. Your all coming." The purple haired ghoul stated.

"Where?" You questioned.

"Duh, to my house." Touka sighed, rolling her eyes. You just clicked your tounge and walked beside her. Irimi and (Friends name) chuckled.

Once there, Touka pulled out her keys and swiftly placed them in the door lock, twisting it to open the door. Once open, she let you all in first before walking in and closing the door behind her.

"Come in here." Touka said bluntly, walking past you all and into her living room.

All of you obeyed, slowly admiring her neat and tidy apartment whilst walking into her spacious living room and kitchen.

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