•20~ Yes•

694 18 1

A/N: I'm so sorry about the long wait. I've been REALLY busy. I also go back to school soon. *Cries*
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

"Will you marry me?"

Those were the only words that rang through your ears over and over again.

All you could do was look down at the handsome, white haired male, that was looking up at you with hopeful eyes, still holding the box with the ring in front of him.

The answer was simple.

You just couldn't get the words out.

After a few minutes, tears of joy and happiness filled up in your eyes once more as you shakily replied, "Y-yes... I will."

Kaneki smiled and stood up, coming closer to you.

You watched as he gently slid the beautiful diamond ring onto your finger.

You admired it for a while, and watched how it sparkled.

"Thank you... Thank you so much." Kaneki whispered, tears of pure happiness falling down his face.

"No... Thank you... I can't believe it." You whispered, wiping his tears away.

Kaneki wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer, hugging you.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him back.

"I can't believe it..." Kaneki whispered into your neck.

"Can't believe what?" You asked as he pulled away and gazed into your eyes.

"I can't believe you said yes." Kaneki admitted.

Raising an eyebrow, you laughed, "What? Did you think I was going to say no?"

"I don't know, to be honest." Kaneki chuckled.

"I love you Kaneki... Thank you so much." You said with a smile.

Kaneki smiled down at you and replied, "You are welcome, my love... I love you too, and thank you for making me the happiest man on this planet."

Kaneki leaned down and kissed your lips sweetly. Closing your eyes, you kissed him back, whilst smiling.

You were surprised when you heard various people clapping and cheering around you.

After pulling away from eachother, you and Kaneki looked around to see all of your friends.

(Friend's name), Hide, Touka, Nishiki, Koma, Irimi and Hinami were all stood around you two, clapping with big smiles painted on their faces.

"Guys..." You whispered.

They all ran over and hugged you and Kaneki, laughing as they did so.

"Congratulations!" They all shouted after they let go of you two.

Chuckling, you and Kaneki stood up straight.

"Thank you, everyone." Kaneki said. You nodded in agreement.

"Your welcome." Everyone smiled, then bowed politely.

"To be honest, I didn't think you could do it." Hide said with a grin, walking over to Kaneki and punching his arm lightly.

"Hey!" Kaneki whined, rubbing his arm.

"Seriously though!" Hide insisted.

"Well, I did." Kaneki said.

"Yeah... Your all grown up now." Hide teased.

"Hide." Kaneki groaned, with a small sigh escaping his lips.

𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | 𝐤.𝐤 ✓Where stories live. Discover now