•9~ The Sad Truth•

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"Wow! This coffee is sooooo good!~" Juuzou beamed, sipping on the rich, dark liquid.

You smiled sadly and looked at your reflection that rippled in your cup. "Yes... It is."

"Hey, what's wrong? You've been acting weird ever since we entered here." Juuzou commented, now looking at you.

You sharply breathed in and replied, "Nothing is wrong."

And oh, was that a lie.

You would occasionally look up to see Touka whispering to Yoshimura.

What were they talking about?

You decided to take a risk and go over to them.

"I'll be back." You informed Juuzou.

Juuzou looked at you as you cautiously stood up from your seat.

"Hm? Where are you going?" He asked, placing his cup of coffee down.

"To the restroom..." You lied, making your way over to the counter.

Juuzou shrugged it off as went back to looking at the dessert menu. He wanted something other than coffee to fill him up.

After arriving at the counter, you took a deep breath and stared at Touka.

She and Yoshimura looked at you with wide eyes.

"My my... You've changed, haven't you?" Yoshimura said, a small smile forming on his lips.

You kept a straight face and muttered, "Yeah..."
Your stomach flipped over, and you begun to feel uneasy.
Regret was circling around you, and you couldn't stop it.
You wanted to break free of the feeling, but to no avail.

"Get in here." Touka said in a sharp tone, grabbing the long sleeve of your CCG coat before dragging you into a spare room.

You gasped as she shut the door behind her.

"T-touka...?" You whispered as she walked closer to you, her hands now balled into fists.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" She screamed, throwing punches at you.

Your eyes widened slightly as you dodged them with ease.

"You just decided to leave us!?" She shouted, aiming kicks at you.
You dodged and blocked them.

She begun to grow annoyed. That's when you heard a cracking noise come from behind her...

You gasped as her bright kagune appeared from out of the top of her back, her colourful wings crystallising, so she could shoot shards at you.

"Touka, we don't need to fight." You stated, trying to prevent yourself from activating your kagune.

"Why did you leave!? Why, why!?" She shouted, shooting her sharp shards at you.

How no one heard, you will never know.

You gritted your teeth as you managed to dodge a few, but some ended up stabbing into the skin on your neck and on your arm.

"Tch, see? After being with them you've gotten weaker." Touka spat, glaring at you as you quickly ripped the shards out of your skin and regenerated in an instant.

"I was forced to join them!" You shouted in anger, your kaguguan now blazing red.

Touka deactivated her kagune and stepped back as you stepped forward.

"Did you think I wanted to!?" You screamed, staring at her dead in the eye.

"Did you think I wanted to!?" You screamed, staring at her dead in the eye

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(Your kaguguan looks like this ^)

Touka was now pressed up against a wall as you continued to walk closer to her.

You squinted your eyes shut as tears slipped out from them. After your kaguguan faded away, you whispered shakily, "N-no... I didn't. This isn't the way of life I chose or want. I'm doing it for all of you."

Touka just stared at you. Sadness clear in her eyes.

"I will come back... Trust me..." Those where the last words you said to her before walking out of the spare room.

Touka was still left in the room, pressed up against a wall, and processing what just happened.


Again, I'm sorry for the short chapter. Is this book getting boring? Because if so, I'm sorry. I understand that you may feel like it's dragging on for too long, but I'm trying my best.

All of this information leads up to the good bits of this book, that I have in my mind, so I hope you can wait and not loose interest.

Stay amazing everyone >.<

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