•10~ A Surprise•

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"We're leaving." You snapped, walking over to Juuzou, who had a mouthful of ice cream. How he didn't have brain freeze, you'd never know.

Juuzou looked confused, but quickly sighed and paid.

Once returning back to you, you clenched your fists and grabbed his arm, storming out of the coffee shop.

What happened to Anteiku? Did they re-name it?

You finally slowed down once you felt Juuzou hitting your arm, and heard him whining.

"Y/nnnnnn~" He whined as you let go of his arm.

"What?" You spat, shooting a glare at him.

"Jeez, what's up with you?" Juuzou asked, raising an eyebrow at you.

You sighed and replied, "Nothing... Don't worry."

"But I do worry, your my friend." Juuzou said with a smile.

You felt a small smile tug onto your lips. "It's... Just my past."

"Explain." Juuzou demanded, skipping next to you.

At first, you shook your head, but your adorable friend pouted, making you sigh. He'd make you explain either way.

"You know I'm a ghoul..." You muttered. Juuzou nodded and carried on looking up at you.

"Uhm... Well... Before I worked for the CCG, I used to work at the coffee shop we were just in, :Re. Well, it used to be called Anteiku, but I guessed they changed it." You begun to explain.

Juuzou nodded, signalling that he was listening to you.

You stopped before crossing a road, then continued to explain:

"Yes... I was friends with all of them. And I used to have, or still have a boyfriend that works there." You said, your voice cracking as you tried not to cry.

"Oh... I'm very sorry." Juuzou said, hugging your arm.

You chuckled and replied, "You don't need to be. It's life, I guess."

"But how did you get into the CCG? If your a ghoul, they have all of your information on a system." Juuzou questioned, looking at some birds flying past.

"It wasn't my choice," You continued. "Two CCG investigators came into Anteiku and said if I join them, I won't die. So I did, and was dragged out."

Juuzou patted your head and said, "That's really bad."

"Mmh... Don't worry about it. You carry on working hard." You said with a chuckle.

Juuzou nodded and said, "You too."

You nodded and turned a corner with Juuzou.

|Time skip|

After arriving at the CCG headquarters, you and Juuzou checked in before being allowed in.

"Special Investigator L/n." A deep voice boomed.

You gulped and turned around. Juuzou giggled and said, "Good luck~" Before skipping away someplace else.

"Ah, hello Sir." You said before bowing politely.

Arima nodded as you stood up straight and adjusted your uniform to look more presentable.

"How was it at the coffee shop?" He muttered, adjusting his glasses.

You squinted and lied, "It went well."

"How about trying to tell me the truth." Arima said in a low voice, bending down so he was level with you.

You gulped and let out a shaky breath. He scared you a lot.

"Sir, please... I'd... Prefer not to talk about it." You managed to say, stumbling a bit. Your head begun to spin, and you begun to feel extremely dizzy.

Arima noticed and asked, "Investigator L/n. Are you okay?"

You could no longer hear anything. All you could hear was ringing in your ears as you felt yourself falling.

What was happening?

Why whenever you talked about your past did you feel dizzy?

The last thing you faintly heard was a thud on the floor as everything turned black...


"Yes, she should wake up soon." A cheerful voice said. It sounded awfully familiar.

Blinking, you slowly opened your eyes, letting them adjust to the bright lights in the small room that you appeared to be in.

You groaned and grabbed your head, which was throbbing, and slowly managed to sit up.

After squinting your eyes shut, you leaned your head back on the soft bed and took deep breaths.

After your headache went away, you opened your eyes again, looking around.

All you remembered was falling to the ground. Well, that's what you thought happened.

"Ah, your awake now." The cheerful voice said again.

You looked to your left slightly to see a familiar looking lady. She smiled at you.

That's when it hit you...

The voice, the looks, that cheerful voice, that happy smile...

Your heart stopped in your chest as you managed to wheeze out, "(F-friends name...?)"

She grinned at you and chuckled, "Yep, it's me in all my glory."

You felt tears fill up in your eyes as you looked into her e/c eyes. She didn't look that different.

A year and a half of not seeing her.

"Ah, come here~" She smiled, moving closer to you.

You burried your head into her shoulder as she wrapped her arms around you, pulling you into a warm hug. You let the tears escape from your eyes as you clinged onto your best friend, as if she'd leave you again.

"(F-friends name...) Is it really you?" You mumbled as she let you go.

She giggled and nodded, wiping your tears away as you let your hands fall back onto the hospital bed.

"I never thought I'd see you here." She said. "You've grown so much."

You managed to chuckle and reply, "Yes... I didn't expect to see you here."

"Really?" (Friend's name) asked, raising an eyebrow. "Must be fate."

"If so, then thank you fate." You said with a small smile. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too, Y/n." (Friend's name) said, a smile tugging at her lips.

"So you now work as a nurse?" You said with a yawn, covering your mouth.

"Am I that boring?" (Friend's name) laughed, closing her eyes and placing her hands on her hips.

"What? No." You said.

(Friend's name) giggled and replied, "Yes... I am. I have been for a few months now."

"Wow." You said, looking up at her. She smiled down at you.

That's when you remembered. "Who were you talking to earlier?"

She bit her lip and looked down. "I maybe shouldn't say..."

"Why's that?" You asked, clasping your hands together.

"It's someone from :Re..."

That's when your heart stopped for a second, and your eyes widened. What where they doing here?

How did they know?

What was going on?

You took a deep breath and said, "Who?"

(Friend's name) sucked in a deep breath before replying,

"Ken Kaneki."

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