•48~ Pain...•

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Kaneki's hand immediately came off of yours.

You felt your heart shatter into a million pieces after hearing the unexpected news.

How could this happen? Why did this happen? When did it happen? When did Touka find out?

Why, why, why, why? You thought, fresh tears forming in the corners of your e/c eyes.

All your loved ones left you. Now one of your best friends left you. Why was life so cruel?

You didn't even want to turn your head in Kaneki's direction. You could only imagine his pained face at this moment.

It was then you heard faint sobs coming from opposite you. Slowly lifting your head up with teary eyes, you could just about make out Nishiki hugging Kimi as she cried into his chest. Even Nishiki shed a few tears.

Touka took a deep breath and whispered, "I-i'm so sorry..."

"It's not your fault. You couldn't of done anything." You muttered sadly.

"..." Touka was silent as she hid her face with her purple hair.

The small café that was once lively was silent. Grieving would be the right word.

Yes, all of you were grieving.

Then, you heard loud cries and sniffles from next to you. Taking a deep breath, you debated weather or not to turn your head to look at your husband.

You decided to go with what your heart said, and that was to turn your head.

After turning your head towards him, the state he was in made you stop breathing. It was horrible... He looked horrible.

Currently, his face was extremely pale, his eyes red and puffy, with big tears streaming out of them, his hair was messy from where he has been grabbing it, and his whole body was shaking.

You can't even begin to imagine the pain he's feeling right now. The empty hole in his chest about loosing his childhood best friend, that's been with him through thick and thin, that's always looked after him, that's always been there for him on his worst days.

You knew that if you lost (Friend's name), you'd be incomplete. She's your best friend, and the only one that's been with you for your whole life. The only one that was willing to put up with the pain that you carried around with you. And you couldn't thank her enough.

Kaneki cried more, his sobs sounding more and more painful by the second.

Kimi and Nishiki bowed politely and left the coffee shop, still holding eachother for comfort on the way out.

Touka sniffed, wipes her tears and muttered, "I'm sorry..." Before rushing out of the café.

A lone tear slid down your cheek as you gulped and edged closer to your lover.

He didn't even look at you, however he knew what you were about to do, but didn't act on it.

The next thing you did was immediately wrap your arms around him and pull him closer to you, holding him as he tried to get out of your embrace.

"L-let go of me..." He whispered, his voice raspy from where he had been crying.

Shaking your head, you just tightened your grip on him, not knowing what was coming next...

"I said get off of me! Are you death!?" Kaneki yelled, shoving you off of him.

You gasped at the impact of his push and ended up landing harshly on the floor, your eyes now wide with pure shock.

W-what the... You thought, the situation still sinking in.

Did he just...? Oh he's so dead! You thought, anger boiling up inside of you.

Yes, you understood that he was upset and probably wondering why his best friend died. But that was no excuse to shove you off of him just for trying to comfort him.

Kaneki glared down at you and spat, "I don't need your help."

Smirking, you slowly stood up; dusting down your clothes.

Your smirk grew bigger as your hair fell in front of your face, "Fine then. But don't come running back to me when you find out that you do actually need me, because I sure as hell won't help you."

Kaneki didn't seem phased with your threat.

Instead, he stepped closer and whispered in your ear,

"Don't worry, I won't. Because I will never see you again..."

His strange actions made your eyes widen. What had gotten into him?

Finally, you lifted your head in order to look into his grey eyes. The ones that used to hold nothing but love and care in them. But now? Now... Now they only held anger and sadness.

"Ken, what are you-" You started, but he obviously cut you off.

"Don't talk to me. I don't want to listen to you." He snickered.

I swear to god, Kaneki- You thought, your blood begining to boil as you slowly clenched your fists by your sides.

And with that, you stormed over to Kaneki and pushed his chest, so hard that he found himself smashing into the wall behind him.

He looked up at you with half lidded eyes and groaned at the impact.

But this didn't stop you. No way. You had only just started. You were about to teach this husband of yours a lesson. Weather he liked it or not.

So, you angrily stomped over to him, your eyes narrowed, fists still clenched.

After stopping in front of him, you glared and stared at him dead in the eye.

"You listen here, Kaneki..." You said, pointing a finger at him before poking it onto his chest, "I don't know what the hell has gotten into you, but you need to snap out of it! You think just because one of your best friends has just died that you can decline my offer of help like that!? I'm your wife, you shouldn't hurt me! Yes, I know I shouldn't hurt you, but it seems like your acting like an immature BRAT who needs to be taught a manners lesson. So listen here... I don't want to put up with this cra* anymore, okay? Once you've found out what to do with yourself, come and find me."

You were about to leave, but Kaneki swiftly grabbed your wrist and said,

"Hide was all I had, and if you can't respect that he looked after me better than you ever did, then I obviously made a mistake in marrying you. I'll show you that I can live without you. I was fine on my own. I can live without you. I don't need a wife who nags me all the time. I'm more than capable of doing things by myself. So no, I won't come and find you. But... If you ever need me...

I won't tell you where I am because I don't want you anymore, Y/n."


Wow, okay.

I don't know myself what just happened, I was just kind of... On a roll, you know?

Well, was that a big surprise or what? 😮

Uhm... Well... I don't know where this book is going to go, but let's hope it turns out good.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. :)

Comment if you did! :)

See you in the next one~


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