•41~ Rings and Promises•

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|A few weeks later...|

"I'm not ready at all!" You wailed, your hands shaking as you held onto your bouquet of beautiful flowers that were given to you.

Yes, it was the day of your wedding, so of course you were stressed about it. All you wanted was for the day to go perfectly.

Your train of negative thoughts couldn't help but to scramble up in your head.

"Relax, it's your big day! Everything will go fine." Your blonde haired friend, Akira, reassured.

"Yeah, what she said." The purple haired ghoul mumbled beside you.

On your special occasion, you had chosen Akira and Touka to be your bridesmaids, and Hinami to be your flower girl.

Hinami jumped up and down in excitement.

"I'm so excited!~" She squeaked happily, "Onii-Chan and Y/n are finally getting married!"

A smile pulled at your lips as you watched the small brunette girl squeal in excitement.

"We don't have long left. Are you ready?" Touka asked, looking at you.

Smiling, you breathed in and nodded, somehow managing to push most of your nerves away. "Yeah."

"You better be, because it's your time to shine!" Akira exclaimed. And with that, the lovely music begun to play, making everyone in the wedding venue silent.

You gulped and tightly held onto your flowers, getting ready to go out. The huge, wooden doors opened and Hinami went out first, skipping as she threw flower petals all over the floor, ready for you.

Everyone 'awwwed' as soon as Hinami reached the end, a huge grin on her cute face.

"Ready?" Akira whispered gently in your ear.

"... Ready." You whispered back, taking a step forward.

Suddenly, all eyes and all attention was on you.

Heart hammering in your chest, eyes glued to the front, you slowly begun to walk down the aisle.

Your breathing became heavy as you slowly locked eyes with the love of your life, who looked so handsome standing there, just waiting to take your hand in his.

After finally reaching the end, Akira and Touka let go of your long veil and went to sit down next to the rest of the :Re staff, which were all sat in the front row, huge smiles plastered on their faces.

You had the biggest smile as soon as Kaneki took your hand in his and lead you to stand next to him on the step.

Then, you two both turned to face the person who was going to make you and the love of your life married.

(I apologize. I don't really pay attention to what they say, so please don't kill me as I make this small time skip.)


"I do."

"I do."

Those were the words that left both of your mouths in no time at all.

Everyone cheered and clapped as Kaneki slid the ring onto your finger, and you did the same to him, trying your best not to cry of happiness.

"You may now kiss the bride."

And with that, Kaneki slowly lifted your veil and bought you closer to him before he placed his soft lips on yours.

Closing your eyes, you gently kissed him back as more cheers and claps filled the room.

𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | 𝐤.𝐤 ✓Where stories live. Discover now