•3~ The Mission•

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You took your phone out of your pocket as you walked the quiet streets of Tokyo, to get to your apartment.
It was about ten at night, and it was like a big blanket had covered the sky, with beautiful, twinkling stars.

You looked up at the paradise and smiled, but then tears covered your vision.
Not again... You thought, wiping your tears away, that were falling down your cheeks.
You were thinking about him, as always.

"K-ken... I'm so sorry... I broke our promise." You whispered, slipping your phone in your bag as you continued to walk along the pavement.

Once you reached your door, you put your key in and twisted it, opening the door.
After doing so, you stepped in and closed the door behind you.
"I'm tired...." You mumbled, throwing your bag on the floor, whilst taking your shoes off.

You walked into your bedroom, quickly getting changed before practically diving into your bed.
You smiled and snuggled up to your soft covers.

I love you, Kaneki... Was your last thought before you drifted off into a deep sleep.

|The next day. 10.00am|

"Y/n!~" A familiar high pitched voice sang through the corridors.
You quickly turned around, to see your friend, Juuzou running over to you, carrying a bunch of papers.

"J-juzzou, let me help you." You offered as he ran over.
Juuzou glared at you and said, "No."
"Please?" You pleaded, looking down at the small, but talented boy.
"I said no." Juuzou repeated, a playful smile forming on his face.

You sighed and nodded.
"Did you want to tell me something?" You asked, rasing an eyebrow.
Juuzou thought for a moment before gasping and saying, "Oh yeah! Sir Arima wanted to speak with you."

You gulped and whispered, "Where is he?"
Juuzou laughed lightly and said, "You get so scared whenever someone talks about him!"
You rolled your eyes and asked again, "Juuzou, where is he?"
Juuzou stopped laughing and replied, "In his office."
"Thank you." You said, before walking the other way to get to your boss's office.

After arriving, you hesitated, but lightly knocked on his door and waited for a reply.
It was then the door opened, revealing a tall, white haired male, with glasses. He was also wearing a suit.

You bowed politely and said, "You wanted to see me, Sir?"
Stine nodded after you stood up and said, "Yes... Please, come and sit down."
You slowly walked in, and Arima shut the door behind you.

He made his way over to his desk and sat down in his chair, and you sat down in the chair that was opposite his desk.

"I wanted to talk with you." Arima started, pushing his glasses up.
"What about?" You asked, putting your hands together.
"Last night." Arima replied, light shining off of his glasses and into your eyes.
"Oh..." You whispered, your heart beating wildly in your chest.
Was he mad at you?
Was he confused?

"Why did you ask if you could be excused, investigator L/n?" Arima asked, staring into your eyes.
You gulped and looked anywhere but his deadly gaze.
"Uhm... Y-you see, I... Wasn't feeling well." You lied, gathering up the courage to finally look into his eyes, that were piercing into yours.

Arima raised an eyebrow, not looking convinced." Oh really?"
You nodded and said, "Y-yes."
"You seemed fine." Arima continued, leaning back in his chair.
You shook your head and insisted, "No... I was ill."

"Well, whatever you say." Arima sighed.
"Did you want to talk to me about anything else?" You asked, looking at your boss, and hoping he'd say, 'No.'
Arima looked around before nodding at you.
You watched as he grabbed a few papers and layed them out on the table.

"This is your mission, L/n. You will be working with Special Investigator Suzuya, and it will need to be completed in under a month. If not, we will do what our original plan was..." Arima explained, passing you paper with lots of information on it.

You gulped and nodded, but then asked, "The original plan was to kill me, right? Because I'm a ghoul."
Arima nodded and said, "Your just lucky your fit to be an investigator."
"T-thank you sir." You said, not bothering to look at the paper, as you already had an idea of what it was.

You quickly bowed and turned around, walking out of his room.

Shaking your head, you made your way over to where you and Akira usually meet.

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