•50~ Choices to make•

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A/N: Uhm, before I begin, I'd just like to say I'm sorry if it seems like I'm rushing this story. I'm not intending to, but I'm running out of ideas. Or I have ideas, but I'm finding it hard to put them into chapters. If I did, they'd be extremely small.

This chapter is going to be really long, so have fun reading and enjoy.



You woke up from your deep slumber to the sound and sensation of someone shaking you.

Groaning, you tried to turn around put the person carried on their actions.

"Y/n, get up!" It was your purple haired friend, Touka.

After huffing, you slowly opened your eyes and waited for them to adjust to the light that was seeping through the blinds and into the bedroom you were in.

"Ngh, what do you want, Touka? I was sleeping..." You groaned, annoyed as you say up and rubbed your eyes.

She glared at you and spat, "I don't care."

You returned the glare and asked, "So why did you wake me?"

She grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of your bed, making your eyes widen slightly.

"You have to see this." She said in a desperate tone, making you nod your head quickly.

She sighed and dragged you out of the room by your hand quickly.

Once in her living room, she plopped you down on her sofa and walked over to the TV that was opposite you.

She switched it on and turned the channel to the news, making you suck in a deep breath. More damage by ghouls? CCG eradicating ghouls? Hide...?

She looked sad as she sat next to you.

"Touka-" you begun, but she cut you off.

"Shh. Just watch." She muttered, making you avert your gaze back to the TV.

And the news that was on it at the moment soon passed for something way more important. You didn't know it, but this news would change your life forever. You just had to make the right choice. A choice that you didn't want to ever make again...

The news

A SSS rated ghoul, eyepatch has been caught by the CCG on suspicion of loosing control and killing over fourty innocent citizens in Tokyo today.

An investigator that had been asked to keep anonymous had stated, "When we caught him, he was ruthless. Out of control, a threat to the world we live in. There's no other words to describe this insane behaviour! When we asked him questions, he could only laugh and form broken sentences. One thing that did make us confused was that he cracked his finger and kept screaming, "What's a thousand minus seven?" We knew that this ghoul should not be in the society, so we decided to lock him up in cochlea. He's definitely one of the most dangerous ghouls we've ever encountered so far."

Back to you

You didn't notice it, but you had tears falling down your cheeks, making them stained and cold. You shivered slightly from the coldness. It felt like ice.

Touka slowly got up to turn off the TV, then went to sit down next to you once again.

She placed her hand on yours as you just stared blankly in front of you, your emotion from your eyes now fading away, making them look dull.

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