•43~ The day after•

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The sounds of birds chirping and leaves rustling in the wind could be heard outside of the wood cabin.

Eyes fluttering open, you quietly yawned and stretched in the process, slowly sitting up in the bed after letting your eyes adjust to the light that was illuminating the bedroom.

Looking to your left, you saw a white haired male, sleeping peacefully. A smile tugged at your lips as you caressed his cute features with your eyes.

That's when your mind flashed back to the events that happened last night. With wide eyes, heat rushed to your cheeks as you tried to get the sinful acts out of your head. However, you didn't regret it.

It was then you heard groaning and some rustling behind you. Completely forgetting what you were thinking about, you bought the blanket over you as you watched Kaneki yawn and rub his eyes.

After finally waking up properly, he sat up and turned to face you.

"Good morning, Y/n." He said with a small smile.

This made you smile back, "Good morning, Kaneki."

Kaneki's smile turned into a smirk. "Do you remember yesterday?"

You blushed and looked away from him. "Of course..."

He chuckled and leaned closer to you, "You know... I wouldn't be surprised if you got pregnant."

This made your eyes widen as you turned to face your husband. "Uhm, excuse me?"

Kaneki just chuckled and said, "I'm just kidding. Your so easy to tease."

"Whatever." You said, slowly getting up out of bed to grab a robe from behind the door. After doing so, you put it on, the softness and warmth of it making you sigh happily. "I'm having a shower."

Kaneki smirked and nodded. "Can I join?"

You glared at him and said firmly, "Absolutely not."

Kaneki laughed and said, "Okay, okay. I was joking."

You clicked your tounge and wandered into the bathroom that was attached to your bedroom, closing the door behind you in an instant. Sometimes your husband could be such a tease.

In all honesty, you still hadn't gotten used to him being your husband yet. It still seemed so... Unreal. And it was exactly the same for him as well. He found it hard to think that you were actually his wife and that he was actually going to spend the rest of his life with you. A few years ago, all that would've seemed like a distant dream for him. Never has he thought that he could be so happy, no matter how hard it is to maybe show it. You bought happiness and love into his life that was extremely broken, and he can't thank you enough. Your the sunshine on his gloomy days, the light in the darkness... Nothing compares to you, because in his eyes, your absolutely perfect, and nothing could change that. He can't count the amount of times he thought he was dreaming whenever he layed his eyes of you, or when he thanked the above for letting you be his, of even meeting you in the first place. Whatever was going to happen from now on, you two would go through it together, thick and thin.

Some people may think that love isn't that strong, but the bond and love that you two have is unbreakable.

Kaneki sighed happily and made his was downstairs whilst waiting for you to exit the shower.


Yeah, I know. Short chapter but oh well. ._.

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