•37~ Sending off invitations•

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After everyone was awake and, well... Not throwing up, you all decided to help eachother in sending off the invitations to everyone you wanted to invite to the wedding.

"Y/n, are you sure that your happy with them before I send them off?" (Friend's name) asked, looking over at you from her table, where she was sat with her computer, about to send off the invitations.

You looked over at her and smiled, getting up from her sofa.

After stopping in front of her, you smiled down at her and nodded. "More than happy."

(Friend's name) grinned at you before nodding and turning back to her computer.

"Ah, I still can't believe it..." She sighed, clicking away on the keys.

You raised an eyebrow.

"Can't believe what?" You asked.

"I can't believe that my best friend is getting married! Your all grown up, and I don't like it!" (Friend's name) explained, whining.

You just sighed and looked down at your childish friend. "Well, I am, so you better believe it. Also, get used to it. We all grow up."

(Friend's name) clicked her tounge and turned to you quickly before turning back to her computer screen. "So straightforward. Ah, but that's just the same old Y/n~"

You smiled and said, "I'm so excited."

"So am I!!!!!" Hinami squealed out of nowhere, running over to you and hugging you from behind.

You gasped at the sudden impact, making (Friend's name) chuckle as she continued to do whatever it was she was doing on her computer.

"Oh, hello, Hinami." You said, finally prying her small arms off of your waist.

"Hello~" She greeted back, grinning. Her smiles and grins made your heart melt no matter what. Her existence and personality was a complete blessing, that had thankfully been granted.

"*Cough* Hinami, what are you doing?" Touka's croaky voice came from the living room.

This made you and the small brunette ghoul look over in the direction of the living room.

"Oh, Touka. How are you?" You asked, running a hand through your h/c locks before making your way over to the spiteful, but somehow caring purple haired ghoul.

"Sick." She groaned, leaning her head back on the sofa.

"Then you shouldn't of drunk so much." You sighed, shaking your head as you slowly sat down next to her.

She scooted away from you slightly. "Oh shut up." She whispered, looking at you with half lidded eyes.

"I'm just saying," You insisted, reaching over and grabbing her hand before squeezing it.

Touka ripped her hand harshly out of your grasp and glared at you. "Don't touch me or go near me. You'll get sick as well."

You smiled at her. "I don't care, Touka. I want to make sure you are okay."

"Well, I am. So you can leave now." Touka said, a 'tch' leaving her mouth after.

You glared daggers at her before pushing yourself off of the sofa, and walking over to the black haired ghoul.

"Hello, Irimi-San. How are you feeling?" You asked, leaning over her.

She smiled weakly and looked up at you. She was paler than she usually was, which was not really a good sign.

"I'm... *Sneeze* a bit ill, but it *hiccup and sneeze* ugh... Doesn't matter... *Sneeze*"

You stared worriedly down at your friend.

"How much did you drink?" You finally asked, crouching down so you were level with her.

She sighed and answered, "27 bottles..."

Your eyes widened. 27 bottles?

"Irimi, what the heck!?" You yelled, making her flinch slightly.

"I know, I know... *Hiccup* I'm so sorry... I just hadn't drunk in ages... *Sneeze*"

"I didn't think it would make you this sick! But now, knowing that you were stupid and had 27 bottles! Irimi, honestly, I thought you knew better." You said with a sigh, gripping onto her arm.

"I'm sorry, Y/n..." Irimi wheezed, resting her head on a small pillow that was supporting her neck.

You just sighed and stood up, glancing back over at Touka, who, by the looks of it, had fallen asleep on the big sofa.

"Pssst, Y/n- Chan." Hinami whispered, standing on her tip toes.

You looked down at her. "Yes, Hinami-Chan?"

"Can I wake Touka-Chan up? Pleaseeeee?" Hinami pleaded, doing puppy eyes.

In a different situation, you would of agreed and said 'yes', but this was different. Touka was still wasted and sick.

"No, Hinami. Let her rest." You said, patting Hinami's head before wandering over to your best friend.

"Hey." You whispered, placing a hand on her shoulder. This made the h/c haired girl jump slightly.

"Oh! Y/n, you scared me!" She gasped, laughing lightly after.

"So have you sent them off?" You asked, out of interest.

(Friend's name) nodded and turned to look at you. "Yup. It's all done."

You smiled widely at her and bent down to hug her. She smiled and wrapped her arms around your neck as you did the same to her.

After burying your face into her neck, you mumbled, "Thank you... Thank you so much."

(Friend's name) patted your head and whispered, "What for?"

"Everything. You are always here when I need you. You always help me when you don't need too. You put your needs aside and always help others. Honestly, (Friend's name), you are the best and I couldn't thank you enough." You explained, a few tears escaping your e/c eyes, that (Friend's name) managed to wipe away as soon as you lifted your head off of her shoulder.

"Hey, don't cry. And no problem. That's what friends are for, right? To always be there for eachother, to always help eachother no matter what. Thank you too, Y/n. You were always there for me, despite things going on in your life. I often wondered how you did it... How you... Put your problems aside and only focused on what my problems were. I also asked myself why. Why did you do it?" Your childhood best friend said, tears now threatening to fall from her e/c eyes.

You smiled and held her face gently in your hands. "Because I learnt from you."

You and (Friend's name) smiled at eachother and let the tears that were begging to escape from your eyes finally roll down your cheeks.

(Friend's name) held your shoulders as you still held her face in your warm hands gently.

You both leaned in closer and leaned your foreheads on eachother before closing your eyes and smiling, a few more tears running down both of your cheeks.


"(Friend's name...)"

"Thank you...."

𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | 𝐤.𝐤 ✓Where stories live. Discover now