•32~ Invitation•

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"That was... Amazing!!!!!" Your excited and overwhelmed friend squealed, clinging onto your arm.

You gulped and tried to catch your breath. Whenever you teleported, it felt like the air from your lungs suddenly left you; almost as if it was running away from you.


You put your hand out next to you, signalling for your hyper friend to wait for a moment.

After gasping a few times and finally regaining your breath, you went back to your normal composure; standing up straight.

Your friend looked at you with a confused face. "What happened?" She asked.

You glanced at her before whispering, "Whenever I teleport...-"

"Yes?" Your friend cut you off, now holding you tightly by your shoulders.

You groaned and replied, "I... Loose my breath."

"You do?" She asked, now squeezing your shoulders, making you wince.

"Yes, now let go of me." You said firmly, grabbing her hands before pulling them off of you.

That's when your friend sniffed the air, her eyes suddenly widening.

"(Friend's name?)" You asked.

Your friend gasped and rushed into her kitchen, making you immediately turn round and follow her.

"MY FOOD!" She yelled in distress, turning the stove off whilst pouting over her burnt food.

You decided to stay outside, in the doorway as the smell of a burnt fry up lingered through her house.

Holding your nose lightly, you sighed, "I did warn you."

The h/c haired girl quickly turned around and shot you a glare before saying, "Really Y/n- Chan? Now?"

You smirked at her. "Yes, now."

This only made her groan and turn back around, cleaning up her burnt food.

"Now what am I gonna eat?" She whined, shoving all of her dishes in her sink before quickly tying her hair up in a messy bun.

"It's not that big a deal, just eat cereal or something. Hurry up, because I wanna make invitations." You explained.

Your friend just nodded and sighed, waving her hands; shooing you away, making you chuckle lightly.

|Time skip|

"Soooooo, how do you like it?" Your friend asked with a big grin, that took up her whole face.

You just sat there, staring at her computer that was turned around so you could see it.

"It's... Amazing..." You managed to breathe out, staring at the screen of your computer.

(Friend's name) had managed to design some wedding invitations for you and Kaneki, and to say you were amazed would be an understatement.

The time and dedication she put into it was amazing.

She was amazing.

"Are you sure you like it?" She asked once more.

A smile lit up your face as you replied, "Yes... I love it a lot."

This only made the grin that your friend had on her face widen.

"So, how many do you want?"

You tapped your chin before saying, "Let me grab my phone."

"Calling Kaneki?"

𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | 𝐤.𝐤 ✓Where stories live. Discover now