•45~ Tell me...•

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All of your friends yelled in pure shock and surprise.

"I swear I just chocked on my own saliva-" Touka muttered, fanning her face in attempt to calm down.

"YOUR WHAT!?" (Friend's name) yelled, immediately grabbing your shoulders before shaking you wildly, making your head go back and forth. How your neck didn't snap, you would never know.

"I said I'm pregnant!" You yelled back at her, making her let go of your shoulders.

"Well," Irimi chuckled lightly, "That certainly came as a surprise."

"You think?" Touka said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

At the moment, you were wondering how she was feeling. Was she mad? Upset? Worried? To be honest, you still didn't know if she liked Kaneki in the way that she used to, but you decided to not bring up the topic just now. Instead, you were going to text her about it later.

"My best friend since childhood being a mother?" Your friend beside you scoffed, "I can't imagine it."

"Well start imagining it, because it's happening." You muttered.

"I remember when we were younger... You always used to say things like, 'Oh no, I don't want kids. They annoy me too much.' Or, 'I will never fall in love with anyone, and I'm definitely not having children.'" (Friends name) sighed.

You frowned, "Y-yeah, but that was ages ago! I'm a grown woman!"

She just laughed at your response.

"I still find it cute that you will give birth to a baby ghoul." Irimi said, sounding like a proud mother. She may as well be. To you, she was like your mother, always asking if you were okay, checking up on you regularly, protecting you... She was absolutely amazing, and you couldn't thank her enough.

Smiling, you gently patted your stomach and whispered, "So do I, Irimi... So do I..."

But your excited and hyper friend ruined the cute moment but shouting, "How comes you get pregnant before any of us!?"

This made Touka burst out laughing, so much that she almost fell off of her chair.

Irimi even managed a small giggle to surpass her lips as she tried to contain her posture.

"Uhm, probably because I'm the only one out of us four that is actually in a relationship?" You said, with a raised brow. In the corner of your eye, you could see that Touka had her eyebrows furrowed as she looked over at you, but you decided not to dwell on it.

"You don't know that! For all you know, I could have a boyfriend or something!" (Friend's name) insisted.

Her reaction made you laugh, "Oh you are funny, (Friend's name)... If you did have a boyfriend or something, you wouldn't be able to keep it a secret and would of told me straight away."

She pouted, her eyes averting to the floor, "Okay, fine..."

You chuckled and patted her shoulder, brining her into a hug. She answered the hug almost immediately, pressing her face into the crook of your neck as you wrapped your arms around her back.

Irimi and Touka only smiled at the two of you.


Once your friends and you talked for a while longer, they finally left. Touka and Irimi went back to :Re to finish working their shift, whilst (Friend's name) said she was going to to bar to drink and celebrate by herself.

What a loner. You thought, making a small laugh escape your lips.

That's when you decided to text Touka and hope for the best.

𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | 𝐤.𝐤 ✓Where stories live. Discover now