•36~ Hangover's•

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Hinami's POV✨

After putting my phone in my pocket, I accidentally burst out laughing. I had taken so many pictures of everyone sleeping.

If I woke them up, they would be sure to shout at me, so I was hoping to be as quiet as possible...


Oh no!!!!!!

I immediately looked down to see that I had accidentally stepped on a very loose floorboard that (Friend's name) said she had been meaning to fix.

I frantically looked around and was so happy that no one was awake. None of them stirred at all.

That made me wonder how much they drunk last night...

I honestly didn't think ghouls could drink.

Maybe they can't?

Maybe they were just doing it to...


Ugh, I don't even know.

Well, they can't blame me if they're angry when they wake up. Besides, I have pictures on my phone of them. Who knows when they could come in use?

I giggled to myself and sat down on the floor, that (Friend's name) was sleeping on; not looking very comfortable if I admit: her feet were sprawled out on the sofa which was in front of her, and her face was pushed into her carpet whilst she was snoring quietly. I seriously wonder how she manages to sleep like that.

Chuckling to myself quietly, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and flicked through the photo's that I had taken of all of them.

I then burst out into a fit of constant laughter as I looked at Touka's picture.

Touka was on the sofa, her neck looking like it's about to snap, whilst her legs were practically in Y/n's face.

That's when I suddenly heard some rustling coming from one of the sofas.

I gasped as I saw Y/n groan and rub her eyes, trying to slowly sit up, but unfortunately failing miserably.

I couldn't hold in my small giggle as I watched her flip down on the sofa, face first.

She groaned into it and slammed her hands down onto it, pushing herself up with all of the strength she had... Which, I was guessing was very little.

My eyes moved to her tired-looking face as she finally managed to sit herself up.

It took her a while to realize where she was, until she spotted me.

"Morning." I whispered so I didn't wake the others up.

"Ugh... *Hiccup* hi..." Y/n replied, covering her mouth after she hiccuped.

"Are you feeling alright, Y/n- Chan?" I asked, concerned for her.

She just nodded her head as she rubbed her temples, a distressed look on her face.

I wasn't convinced at all.

"Really? You don't look like it." I commented, switching my phone off and planing it on (Friend's name's) small coffee table that was in front of me.

"I just have bad headache and feel like I'm about to throw up." She replied, puffing her cheeks out, as if she was about to bawl her guts out all over the floor.

She looked pale as well, which was not a good sign.

Her current state practically made me hop off of the floor and rush to her aid. She tried her best to usher me away, but I shook my head and told her firmly that I was staying.

Helping her get up from the sofa, I held onto her arm to support her as she stumbled to (Friend's name's) bathroom, which was luckily only down the hall.

Y/n took no time at all to rip herself out of my grasp and rush into the bathroom, slamming the door shut in my face, making me bite my lip. I hope the door slamming didn't wake anyone else up.

Sighing to myself, I patiently waited for Y/n to finish in the bathroom.

My eyes drooped as I heard her throwing up and coughing after.

A few minutes later, I finally heard her flush the chain, making me sigh in relief.

Once the door to the bathroom opened, I stood and looked at Y/n, who had a pale face, and bangs under her eyes.

She looked sick and exhausted.

I shook my head and smiled, walking over to her.

"No, Hina- g-go away... You'll get *cough* sick *hiccup* too..." She stuttered, breathing heavily.

I clutched onto her arm and headed with her to the living room, where everyone else was luckily still sleeping.

"No, I'm staying with you," I demanded, "I don't care that much if I get ill, I just want to know your okay."

This made Y/n smile weakly. "Thanks Hinami."

I flashed one of my big smiles back at her. "No problem. Wait here whilst I get you a bowl just in case you throw up again."

Y/n nodded slowly as I carefully sat her down on a spare small sofa, propping her head up with a few pillows to make sure she was sitting up straight.

Once doing so, I quickly walked into (Friend's name's) kitchen to grab a bowl for the sick half ghoul.

After looking in the cupboards for a few minutes, I finally found one. Once I grabbed it, I walked back into the living room to see Y/n, daydreaming whilst gazing out of the open window.

I looked out of it as I carefully passed her the bowl.

"Thank you, Hinami." Y/n said, smiling weakly up at me.

I smiled and patted her hand, that was on her leg. "No problem. I'm always here to help if you need me too~"

Y/n smiled and carried on looking out of the window. Then, she asked,

"When do you think the others will wake up?"

I looked down at her, then looked around at all of the passed out ghouls, except from (Friend's name), of course.

"I don't think it will be anytime soon." I chuckled, judging by their pale and droopy states.

Y/n just sighed. "We should not of gotten wasted..."

This made me look down at her. "Y/n, can ghouls drink alcohol?"

Y/n looked up at me with half lidded eyes and replied, "Hm... *Cough* they can... *Hiccup*"

"Really?" I asked, genuinely amazed.

Y/n nodded. "Yes, we can. We just have to... Digest it slowly."

"I never knew that." I said.

Y/n chuckled. "Well, young Hinami. You have a lot to learn."

I smiled warmly down at her and sat down on the floor beside her in case she ever needed me again.


A/N: Can ghouls drink...? Yes, no? Maybe? Oh well. 😅😅😅😅😅👉👈

Thanks for reading anyways.

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