•47~ Unexpected news...•

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The next day came by quickly, and it didn't take long for the word about you being pregnant to spread around to all of your friends.

Everyone was over the moon and immediately sent you a bunch of baby things, in hope that you'll use them someday. And of course, you were extremely grateful.

At the moment, you were at home, trying to find a space for all of the stuff that you were kindly given with. (Friend's name) decided to help you because she was extremely happy for you.

"Your all grown up and going to be a mother~" She sang happily, finishing her sentence with a soft sigh.

You scoffed and said, "Yeah whatever."

"I'm so jealous~" (Friend's name) sighed sadly, "I want to be a mother to a cute child now!"

"Well then," You muttered, turning to face her, "Get in a relationship."

She just laughed, "Who'd want to date me!?"

"Lots of people." You replied, turning back around to pick up a box, "People are too excited... It's annoying me."

Your friend chuckled in response. "Well, who wouldn't be? You out of all of us are a parent. Who would've imagined it?"

Not me... You thought.

"Oh well. I'm going to be the first one to see that little baby!~" She squealed.

"Uhm, no. I am." You chuckled.

She laughed, "Well of course... But me second!"

"No, you'll be last." You giggled.

"Hey!" The h/c haired female shouted, striding over to hit your arm.

You chuckled and continued moving boxes with her.

"Hey, (Friend's name?)"


"Thanks for your help."

"Anytime, Y/n~"


After she left, you were left in your living room, glancing over at the small pile of boxes that you forgot to move.

They couldn't of given them to me after I gave birth to the baby, could they? No, they just had to give it to me straight away. What if this stuff all goes to waste? What if I don't even give birth- oh shut up, Y/n. Your being stupid here! You were having an mental debate with yourself, shaking your head to try and get your thoughts away.


Hello, Kaneki.

Kaneki 🌹❤️:
Hello, Y/n.

What are you doing?

Kaneki 🌹❤️:
Helping Nishiki and Kimi.

What with?

Kaneki 🌹❤️:
Well, their anniversary is
Coming up...

Is it!?

Kaneki 🌹❤️:
Yeah, you didn't know?

No one tells me anything...

Kaneki 🌹❤️:

𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | 𝐤.𝐤 ✓Where stories live. Discover now